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Peter Deunov

Petar Konstantinov Danov was born on 11th July 1864 in the village of Hadarcha (now Nikolaevka) in the district of Varna. The World White Brotherhood is a teaching and spiritual school founded in Bulgaria by Petar Danov in 1897. The diverse aspects of this teaching are set out and developed in about 4000 preaches recorded in shorthand in the period from 1914 through 1944.

On March 7 (ie March 19 in a new style) 1897, at the age of 33, in the village of Tetovo, Ruse region, the Divine Spirit descended on him. The personality of Peter Deunov is transformed into the Teacher of the White Brotherhood Beinsa Douno (Беинсá Дунó).

Major methods for spiritual work of the White Brotherhood School are prayer gatherings, musical and breathing exercises, readings of the Words of Teacher Petar Danov, meeting the rise of the Sun, Venus, Sirius and other celestial bodies, mountain excursions, life in fraternal communities, annual gatherings, etc. Special methods are the Legacy of the Colour Rays of Light, work with the esoteric symbol Pentagram and the Panrhythmic Dance.

Peter Danov’s days on the Earth ended on 27th December 1944 in Sofia because of pneumonia. His last words were; “We did some little work for God!”

Albert Einstein said about Petar Danov; “The whole world respects me and I respect Petar Danov the Teacher from Bulgaria.”

“If you wish to befriend someone, look for a person who loves first God then themselves. If they love God, they will be able to love their neighbor, too.”
Peter Deunov
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“What does jealousy indicate? Jealousy is love manifested in the physical world. If you are jealous you have a debt to pay; if someone is jealous of you, he has a debt to pay to you.”
Peter Deunov
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“What sort of love is permeated by jealousy? You are jealous because you are unaware that everything you need is inside you.”
Peter Deunov
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“Human happiness is defined by the hardships and conflicts you have been through. The greater they are, the greater is your happiness.”
Peter Deunov
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“If you pursue happiness, you are an ordinary person. If happiness pursues you, you are an extraordinary person. Do not chase happiness; let it chase you.”
Peter Deunov
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“Being happy is a great science. If you are not happy, do not be confused. Happiness is hard to achieve.”
Peter Deunov
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“Do not look for happiness outside yourself. The awakened seek happiness inside.”
Peter Deunov
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“Stop in somebody's shadow to rest and cool down, and you are lost. No one can make anyone else happy.”
Peter Deunov
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