Peter H. Fogtdal photo

Peter H. Fogtdal

Danish novelist. Has written 14 novels in Danish. Three are translated into French, two into Portuguese, one into English and Ukrainian (The Tsar's Dwarf, see below). Shares his time between Portland, Oregon and Copenhagen, Denmark.

Books in Danish, French, Portuguese, Ukrainian, and English:

Det store glidefald, 2017 (Denmark)

The Tsar's Dwarf, 2017 (Ukraine)

Det egyptiske hjerte, 2015 (Denmark)

The Tsar's Dwarf, 2008 (USA, Canada)

Skorpionens hale, 2008 (Danish),

La Naine du Tsar, 2008 (French),

A Anä Do Czar, 2006 (Portuguese)

Zarens dværg, 2006 (Danish),

Le Rêveur de Palestine, 2006,(French,

O Paraiso de Hitler, 2005 (Portuguese),

Jupiters time, 2004 (Danish),

Le Front Chantilly, 2004 (France)

Lystrejsen, 2003 (Danish)

Flødeskumsfronten, 2001 (Danish)

Drømmeren fra Palæstina, 1998 (Danish)

In Danish only (as Peter Fogtdal):

Pedellen, 1997 (Danish)

Roberto Massanis to liv, 1996

En Dansker Død, 1994

Frokost for dæmoner, 1993

Skabsoptimisten, 1992

Letmælksprofeten, 1991

Won Le Prix Littéraire des Ambassadeurs de la Francophonie for Le Front Chantilly in 2005.

“What was it Danilov told me before I left? Something about how one day I would stand at a crossroads where I could choose the Light, which illuminated the sky with its warmth and golden glow - or the Darkness, which at first seemed soothing and inviting, but which would consume me in its flames. But do I have to wait for that crossroads? Isn't it present at every moment of my life?”
Peter H. Fogtdal
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“I want to take away your sunshine, Lukas. Not because I'm evil but because the sun can't exist without shadows. I want to examine the lie that keeps you afloat--the idea that it's wonderful to be Lukas, that it's splendid to be the tsar's favorite dwarf, that there's nothing better to do than bring crackers to Menshikov like some kind of dog. When does it hurt the most, Lukas? That's what I'd like to know. What hurts you more than anything else? Is it when the tsar mocks you? Or is it when he can't remember your name? Is it when he forgets all about your for a year or two? When are you going to curse Peter Alexeyevich to Hell, Lukas? That's what I'd like to know. I want to get behind that smile of yours, and your clown's heart. And then I'll console you when you fall apart--I'll console you when you realize that you are infinitely unloved. At that moment I'll be at your side, but no before. Not a moment before.”
Peter H. Fogtdal
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“In my carpet bag are the mushrooms that I gathered in the woods. With two fingers I pick up a piece and look at it. Then I take a bite and wait for my body to react. Now I'm in a better mood. In a short time I'll be dead. Or alive. I'm not always sure that there's any difference.”
Peter H. Fogtdal
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“I'm going to die. And as if that weren't bad enough, I'm going to die inside a cake.”
Peter H. Fogtdal
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