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Peter James West

Peter James West is a British author who was born and raised in the seaside town of Scarborough, England. After obtaining a first class degree in artificial intelligence, he was married in India and now lives with his wife in London, where the trains break down with the regularity of an atomic clock.

Peter says:

My books are a mixture of military science fiction and epic fantasy.

If you’re looking for a good place to start, you can take a look at the first book in my Tales of Cinnamon City series here:

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The series is now available from all good online retailers in ebook and paperback formats. There are also box sets available if you want to pick up a whole bunch of books in one go.

Tales of Cinnamon City is a Science Fiction and Fantasy Series set in the rich, deep world of Megarothia. Information Cloud is the first book in the series, mixing elements of military science fiction, epic fantasy, and hi-tech action.

The series order is as follows:

#1 Information Cloud

#2 Cinnamon City

#3 Ascension

#4 Lord Hades

#5 The Augmented

#6 Jacob's War

#7 The Blasted Lands

#8 Guardians of Chaos

#9 The Battle of Megarothia

For the latest updates, and to see what Peter is working on now, visit:

“Raise the bar. Don't duck under it.”
Peter James West
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“The Walker towered over him like a half-built skyscraper with a bad attitude. Its bulbous silver head was home to so many weapons that Nick couldn't even count them. He couldn't even name half of them.”
Peter James West
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“Damen could tell that there was something not right about the whole thing, and he knew that his brother was at the bottom of it. One thousand credits could do a whole lot to help a man forget what he knew.”
Peter James West
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“Damen Trent pushed his fat fingers between the blinds, peering across the street. Sure enough, all the windows of the Mekinet News building were in darkness.”
Peter James West
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“He was suspicious, distrustful and greedy, as only a brother could be.”
Peter James West
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“Surviving ain't thriving.”
Peter James West
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“To read is human, to review is divine.”
Peter James West
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“Too many questions had been left unanswered. Every day there were new rumours saying that the Kamari numbers were growing. Nick wondered why so many people were joining them.”
Peter James West
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“From the dark forest that bordered the soft ploughed fields, came a low cry that did not belong to any animal. It was accompanied by the sound of branches bending and snapping, and the splintering of wood as trees were crushed or toppled onto their sides.”
Peter James West
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“Rachel Henson stood facing him, immaculate in her uniform and ready for duty as always. She looked as though she had spent her whole life preparing for this very moment - she always did.”
Peter James West
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“When you think it's finished, that is the time to begin.”
Peter James West
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“Death is just nature's way of making room for the less experienced.”
Peter James West
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“It's all good, apart from the raisins.”
Peter James West
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