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Péter Zilahy

“It’s not easy to be God.”
Péter Zilahy
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“The Americans have perfected weather forecasts: a model presents a model of the Earth, a map, and jabs at it with her pointer – here and here, this is going to happen. Voodoo.”
Péter Zilahy
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“The rabbit is one of the few animals that (de facto) enjoys screwing: after copulating it does a backward flip and drums on the ground. If it could light up a fag, it would no doubt do that too, and blow smoke rings into the sky.”
Péter Zilahy
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“No one believes that the world can come to an end, therefore no one believes it can be saved.”
Péter Zilahy
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“If the US is a human melting pot, then Eastern Europe is a scrap yard.”
Péter Zilahy
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“You have to make choices even when there is nothing to choose from.”
Péter Zilahy
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