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Petra F. Bagnardi

Petra F. Bagnardi (aka Petra March) is a television screenwriter and story-editor, and an indie-theater writer, director and actress.

She's an avid reader and an enthusiastic cinéphile.

On October 2nd 2014 her debut novel, "A Veil of Glass and Rain", won the Indie Book of the Day Award.

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“Take control of the situation. Be an alpha guy. Instead of—Hell, I don't know which letter of the Greek alphabet you're now, but it's not a good one.(Neal,"A Veil of Glass and Rain")”
Petra F. Bagnardi
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“I sing. I let go. I open my arms to the kind unknown."(Brina, "A Veil of Glass and Rain")”
Petra F. Bagnardi
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“I'm pulled, pushed and then I find my back against a wall. Eagan's taut frame is bent toward mine, and my body is arched toward his. We create a peculiar sculpture of opposite forces. He cups my face in his palms and makes me look up at him. His lips are so close to mine, that I feel the whisper of his breath against my mouth; I smell mint and a hint of beer. I desire a kiss so desperately, my body is humming with longing. I curl my fingers around his wrists.“I hate fighting with you,” he admits huskily.“I know. Me too.”“I need to hold you.”I nod and let him fold his arms around me. I bury my face against his chest and utter soft sounds of contentment as his warmth leaks into my skin.I glance at our shadows painted on the gravel by darkness and streetlights; we're not opposite forces any longer, we're one single being.("A Veil of Glass and Rain")”
Petra F. Bagnardi
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