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Phil Elmore

Phil Elmore grew up reading his father's collection of "Mack Bolan" novels. As a teenager, he had no idea that he would one day ghost-write more than a dozen entries in Harlequin Enterprises' long-running "Executioner" series. Today, Phil publishes fiction and nonfiction on a variety of topics, through multiple outlets, including his own publishing company, Samurai Press.

A technical writer by trade, Phil Elmore is also the Senior Editor of League Entertainment, an Intellectual Property development company based in Florida.

“When it comes to open flame, you're never as 'far enough back' as you think you are.”
Phil Elmore
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“Never resolve with violence what can be addressed with cutting commentary.”
Phil Elmore
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“Forward, towards the danger!”
Phil Elmore
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“Nothing succeeds so much as success.”
Phil Elmore
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“When talking apes from the future land on the beach, slay them.”
Phil Elmore
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“I've always had trouble with the subjunctive. I wish that were not the case.”
Phil Elmore
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“To learn, you must understand what you do not know. It is not enough to know you do not understand.”
Phil Elmore
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