A popular science fiction fan artist in the 1970s, Phil Foglio began writing and drawing cartoons and comics professionally in the 1980s. His work includes Magic: The Gathering, Buck Godot, and the popular series of comics and novels, Girl Genius, co-written with his wife, Kaja Foglio.
Hugo Award for Best Fan Artist (1977 and 1978)
Hugo Award for Best Graphic Story (2009, 2010, 2011)
“Marie clasped her hands together and looked vulnerable. Payne flinched. “The only time you don’t tell me something is when you think it’s dangerous, because being a fragile, sheltered noblewoman, I might faint at the thought of experiencing physical harm like a common person.”She sighed, and seemingly from nowhere, produced an enormous cast-iron frying pan easily one hundred centimeters in diameter. “And then,” she said sadly, “I have to damage one of the good pans by smacking it against your thick, common skull until you tell me—”
“Tarvek: "You call that 'throwing?'"Gilgamesh: "Hey, at least I got his hat!”
“Any plan where you lose your hat is a bad plan.”
“Now I am in control!" He followed this statement with a burst of laughter that showed the owner had done a fair share of gloating in his time, and had the basics down pat.”
“Klaus Wulfenbach: Was my son upset? Bangladesh DuPree: Oh, him? Yeah! He's all set to be a hero and rescue her--and then he finds out he'd need fireplace tongs to get her undressed? Yeah, upset is the word.”
“No, Klaus, it isn't a game. I am determined to change. I do love him. It should be enough. Besides, they always win. There must be something to their philosophy. --Lucrezia Mongfish:”
“Agatha Clay: "I've never had coffee. Lilith said a young lady shouldn't drink stimulants."Zeetha: "Drink your coffee like a warrior."Agatha Clay: "...Yes, Zeetha.”