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Philippe Lejeune

“Repress the natural and it comes back even stronger: not everyone can be a fetishist”
Philippe Lejeune
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“A perversion must be baptized and patronized (the Marquis De Sade and Leopold Von Sacher-Masoch were on to something).”
Philippe Lejeune
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“Maupassant is a man of mitigating circumstances, the lawyer who can bring the jurors around by demonstrating that they too could have committed such a crime. We are all murderers.”
Philippe Lejeune
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“However, in fetishism the desired object is displaced; and in this context (“The Apparition” by Guy De Maupassant) it is the desiring object, so to speak. In other words, have we ever seen a boot in love with a fetishist?”
Philippe Lejeune
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