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Phillip Lundberg

Phillip Lundberg grew weary of programming computing machines one day and decided to devote a little more time to philosophy, having completed a Master's degree at the New School he had already been dabbling a bit with a translation of Plato’s Parmenides. The end result, about five years later, was his first book: Tallyho ~ The Hunt for Virtue: Nine Dialogues by Plato. This translation is an attempt to re-instate Friedrich Schleiermacher’s Plato Interpretation and provide English readers with a book of dialogues that truly introduces them into this convoluted maze of ideas, a maze with a roadmap furnished by Schleiermacher. Lately Mr. Lundberg has finished a better Kafka translation -- originally entitled Essential Kafka available since June-07 -- now superceded by KAFKA UNLEASHED (2018)! A translation with interpretation that is destined one day to rise up and SHOCK the world back into sanity... at least so ONE MIGHT hope.

Mr. Lundberg holds a master’s degree in Philosophy from the New School for Social Research and studied extensively in Germany during his formative years, in particular at the Hegel archives in Bochum.

Currently a 2nd edition of Plato's dialogues is Mr. Lundberg's work-in-progress; time will tell whether it ever is published. As of April 2019 two new dialogues are ready: Laches & Euthyphro. A review of the whole with added material from Schleiermacher is now in Process.....Der Prozess----and who is Buergel?

Ha, time flies: now Febr, 2024 and have added Diotima's speech in Symposium and the dialogue Phaedo! I'm searching out the right publisher for my 2nd edition of Tallyho!


“table tennis in the afternoon...”
Phillip Lundberg
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