P.I. Barrington photo

P.I. Barrington

After a detour through the entertainment industry, P.I. Barrington has returned her original choice of careers—novelist!

TITLE: The Brede Chronicles

SERIES: Book One

GENRE: Science Fiction Romance/Adventure

PUBLISHER: First Realm Publishing

BUY LINKS: http://www.firstrealmpublishing.com/


Sci-Fi Romance/Adventure:

Half-human Alekzander Brede is a law unto himself…or so he thinks. Elektra Tate, the street orphan who loves him has other ideas. When she betrays him for no apparent reason, he vows to punish her. Taking the one thing she treasures most—their son—begins a cat-and-mouse relationship spanning two planets and costing possibly his life. Elektra will stop at nothing to save her son but can she overcome Brede’s twisted idea of vengeance?

Who I'd cast as my characters:

Alekzander Brede : Vin Diesel w/box braids

Elektra Tate : Radha Mitchell (or the girl on my cover)

Colin Factor: Jason Momoa

“Bravery isn't when you go looking for trouble; bravery is when trouble comes looking for you.”
P.I. Barrington
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