Pierre A.F. Choderlos de Laclos photo

Pierre A.F. Choderlos de Laclos

Pierre Ambroise François Choderlos de Laclos (1741-1803) was a French novelist, official and army general, best known for writing the epistolary novel Les Liaisons dangereuses.

A unique case in French literature, he was for a long time considered to be as scandalous a writer as the Marquis de Sade or Nicolas-Edme Rétif. He was a military officer with no illusions about human relations, and an amateur writer; however, his initial plan was to "write a work which departed from the ordinary, which made a noise, and which would remain on earth after his death"; from this point of view he mostly attained his goals, with the fame of his masterwork Les Liaisons dangereuses . It is one of the masterpieces of novelistic literature of the 18th century, which explores the amorous intrigues of the aristocracy. It has inspired a large number of critical and analytic commentaries, plays, and films.

Cyrillic profile: Шодерло дьо Лакло

“It was there, in particular, that I confirmed the truth that love, which we cry up as the source of our pleasures, is nothing more than an excuse for them.”
Pierre A.F. Choderlos de Laclos
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“I willingly allow that money does not guarantee happiness; but it must also be allowed that it makes happiness a great deal easier to achieve.”
Pierre A.F. Choderlos de Laclos
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“...it is not for the illusion of a moment to govern the choice of a lifetime.”
Pierre A.F. Choderlos de Laclos
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“Don't you remember that love, like medicine, is only the art of encouraging nature?”
Pierre A.F. Choderlos de Laclos
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“I see you are already as timid as a slave: you might as well be in love.”
Pierre A.F. Choderlos de Laclos
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“You may conquer her love of God: you will never overcome her fear of the devil.”
Pierre A.F. Choderlos de Laclos
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“How characteristic of your perverse heart that longs only for what happens to be out of reach.”
Pierre A.F. Choderlos de Laclos
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“It has become necessary for me to have this woman, so as to save myself from the ridicule of being in love with her: for to what lengths will a man not be driven by thwarted desire?”
Pierre A.F. Choderlos de Laclos
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“Je sentis que le seul homme avec qui je pouvais parler sur cet objet, sans me compromettre, était mon Contesseur. Aussitôt je pris mon parti; je surmontai ma petite honte; et me vantant d'une faute que je n'avais pas commise, je m'accusai d'avoir fait tout ce que font les femmes. Ce fut mon expression; mais en parlant ainsi je ne savais en vérité quelle idée j'exprimais. Mon espoir ne fut ni tout à fait trompé, ni entièrement rempli; la crainte de me trahir m'empêchait de m'éclairer : mais le bon Père me fit le mal si grand que j'en conclus que le plaisir devait être extrême; et au désir de le connaitre succéda celui de le goûter.”
Pierre A.F. Choderlos de Laclos
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“If, for example, I had just as much love as you had virtue (and that is surely saying a lot) it is not astonishing that one should end at the same time as the other. It is not my fault.”
Pierre A.F. Choderlos de Laclos
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