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Piers Anthony

“Now it was done. He was free of Xanth forever. Free to make his own life, without being ridiculed or mothered or tempted. Free to be himself.Bink put his face in his hands and cried.”
Piers Anthony
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“One day you'll discover that the opinions of worthless people are worthless.”
Piers Anthony
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“What kind of fool had he been, to throw away romance untried?”
Piers Anthony
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“One thing you who had secure or happy childhoods should understand about those of us who did not. We who control our feelings, who avoid conflicts at all costs, or seem to seek them. Who are hypersensitive, self-critical, compulsive, workaholic, and above all survivors. We are not that way from perversity, and we cannot just relax and let it go. We’ve learned to cope in ways you never had to.”
Piers Anthony
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“Evil can never touch the person who refuses to accept it.”
Piers Anthony
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“Information is power.--Humfrey”
Piers Anthony
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“At first I was exhilarated by my freedom from the responsibility of the kingship. This lasted about seven minutes. I was also depressed by my freedom from marriage, for I had become accustomed to the attentions of a woman. This lasted about nine minutes. Then I was bored.”
Piers Anthony
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“Happy children do not seem to grow up to be writers.”
Piers Anthony
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“Enough , you hens!" Niobe exploded. "It's tentative!"Lachesis snorted "As tentative as a pregnancy,girl!”
Piers Anthony
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“Referring to Jumper the spider, who needs to hide himself in human form, and he's learning to act like a human."I'm sure I can learn to walk faster than that," he said desperately."But you'll also need to learn the nuances of human behavior. Such as not going around naked.""What's wrong with being natural?" he demanded."Humans aren't natural. They are girt about by all manner of conventions. It will take time for you to catch up with them all.”
Piers Anthony
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“Be what you are; it is better that way.--Dolph”
Piers Anthony
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“You don't have to settle for what you are at this moment. You can work to make a difference.--Chex”
Piers Anthony
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“...the sweetest temptation could be that which was known to be the most foolish.”
Piers Anthony
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“Latia returned, coming around the curve and stepping through the glass. "Yes, it's our path," she reported. "And it seems to be near the ogre fen.""Oh? How do you know?" Esk asked."Oh, nothing specific. Trees twisted into pretzels, boulders cracked with hairy fist marks on them, dragons slinking about as if terrified of anything on two legs. Perhaps I am mistaken.”
Piers Anthony
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“When you steal from the library, you are preventing anyone else from reading that book, and the very notion makes me want to drop you in the Void.”
Piers Anthony
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“Barbarian --A Code of Conduct honored by all true barbarian warriors, requiring excellent coordination with weapons, closeness to nature, awkwardness with women, common sense, and completion of the mission.”
Piers Anthony
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“She looked around. "Oh, I've just got to hug somebody! You!" And she hugged Puck, the little ghost horse. "And you." She hugged Pook, and Peek, and even the nose of the moat monster. "But not you," she decided, encountering the zombie.”
Piers Anthony
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“For our stories are not yet finished, and perhaps will never be.”
Piers Anthony
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“Yes, I'm always hungry after a fatal injury.--Jordan”
Piers Anthony
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“At this slower pace the journey took a couple of days, and I fought off a few minor threats along the way --griffins, carnivorous plants, giant serpents, hostile centaurs, that sort of thing, purely routine --and I was beginning to get bored when at last the dusky towers of Castle Roogna hove into view.”
Piers Anthony
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“Why did things have to be so complicated with human beings?...Yet if we were not what we were, creatures with at least the awareness of purpose and honor, what would we be? Empty knights in armor, seeming so strong on the outside, yet hollow inside?”
Piers Anthony
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“But one must go where one's road leads, even when it's a distressing road.”
Piers Anthony
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“Every person professes to love good and hate evil, but in his actions his real preferences emerges.”
Piers Anthony
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“Bink knew the dolphin only from old pictures; it was a kind of magic fish that breathed air instead of water.”
Piers Anthony
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“By all means. Swords have ever been the best servants of crazy men.”
Piers Anthony
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“Adults had the notion that juveniles needed to suffer. Only when they had suffered enough to wipe out most of their naturally joyous spirits and innocence were they staid enough to be considered mature. An adult was essentially a broken-down child.”
Piers Anthony
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“Wenda's chest and hips shrank, her shoulders and arms turned muscular and her body became lean and hard where it had been rounded and soft. The hair of her head shortened drastically, and a mustache sprouted on her upper lip. Her delicate human feet had become hard hooves. She was now not a nymph but a faun. Physically; she would never be male in spirit.”
Piers Anthony
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“Never thought I'd see the day when Death was denied. That leaves taxes as the only certainty.”
Piers Anthony
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“Being terrified but going ahead and doing what must be done—that's courage. The one who feels no fear is a fool, and the one who lets fear rule him is a coward.”
Piers Anthony
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“Dor woke again as dawn came. The sun had somehow gotten around to the east, where the land was, and dried off so that it could shine again.”
Piers Anthony
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“I think it's a shame that something as creative and vital to the nature of the human species as story-telling is largely controlled by the soulless cretins known as publishers.”
Piers Anthony
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