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Piet Hein

Danish mathematician, inventor, designer, author, and poet, often writing under the Old Norse pseudonym "Kumbel" meaning "tombstone". He has been called an universalist. In that way a spiritual affinity existed between him and the Renaissance ideal - a modern variant of Leonardo da Vinci. However, contrary to the historical ideals, in Piet Hein's works is found an easily recognizable element whether it is a matter of scientific publications, essays, poetry or architecture. The special Piet Hein touch is the supe-riority of the form in relation to the objectives, the medium and - for that matter - the contents.


“Hvis man regner med belønning for sin godhed, er det ikke godhed, men beregning.”
Piet Hein
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“Love while you've got love to give.Live while you've got life to live.”
Piet Hein
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“Nobody can be lucky all the time,so when your luck deserts you in some fashiondon't think you've been abandoned in your prime,but rather that you're saving up your ration.”
Piet Hein
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“It isn't enough to exasperate others. You have to remember to gladden yourself!”
Piet Hein
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“MAKING AN EFFORTOur so-called limitations, I believe,apply to faculties we don't apply.We don't discover what we can't achieveuntil we make an effort not to try.”
Piet Hein
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“THE FINAL TOUCHPortrait of nobody in particularIdiots are reallyone hundred per centwhen they are alsointelligent.”
Piet Hein
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“TIMING TOASTGrook on how to char for yourselfThere's an art of knowing when.Never try to guess.Toast until it smokes and thentwenty seconds less.”
Piet Hein
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“MEETING THE EYEYou'll probably findthat it suits your bookto be a bit clevererthan you look.Observe that the easiestmethod by faris to look a bit stupiderthan you are.”
Piet Hein
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“Whenever you're called on to make up your mind,and you're hampered by not having any,the best way to solve the dilemma, you'll find, is simply by spinning a penny.No - not so that chance shall decide the affairwhile you're passively standing there moping; but the moment the penny is up in the air,you suddenly know what you're hoping. ”
Piet Hein
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“Art is solving problems that cannot be formulated before they have been solved. The shaping of the question is part of the answer.”
Piet Hein
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“A WORD TO THE WISELet the world pass in its time-ridden race; never get caught in its snare.Remember, the only acceptable casefor being in any particular place is having no business there.”
Piet Hein
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“Put up in a placewhere it is easy to seethe cryptic admonishmentT.T.TWhen you feel how depressinglyslowly you climbit's well to remember thatThings Take Time.”
Piet Hein
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“Nature, it seems, is the popular namefor milliards and milliards and milliardsof particles playing their infinite gameof billiards and billiards and billiards.”
Piet Hein
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“Knowing whatThou knowest notIs in a senseOmniscience.”
Piet Hein
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“A bit beyond perception's reach I sometimes believe I see that life is two locked boxes each containing the other’s key.”
Piet Hein
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“After all, what is art? Art is the creative process and it goes through all fields. Einstein’s theory of relativity – now that is a work of art! Einstein was more of an artist in physics than on his violin.Art is this: art is the solution of a problem which cannot be expressed explicitly until it is solved.”
Piet Hein
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“Losing one glove is certainly painful,but nothing compared to the pain,of losing one, throwing away the other,and finding the first one again.”
Piet Hein
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“It ought to be plain how little you gain by getting excited and vexed. You'll always be late for the previous train,and always on time for the next.”
Piet Hein
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“We ought to live each day as though it were our last day here below. But if I did, alas, I know it would have killed me long ago.”
Piet Hein
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“Problems worthy of attack prove their worth by fighting back.”
Piet Hein
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“I'd like to knowwhat this whole show is all aboutbefore it's out.”
Piet Hein
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