Platón photo


427 BC-347 BC

The Republic

, the best known of these many dialogues with Socrates, mentor, as the central character, expounds idealism of noted Greek philosopher Plato and describes a hypothetical utopian state that thinkers rule; he taught and wrote for much his life at the Academy, which he founded near Athens around 386 BC. Platonism, the philosophy of Plato, especially asserts the phenomena of the world as an imperfect and transitory reflection of ideal forms, an absolute and eternal reality.

Aristotle began as a pupil of Plato. Plotinus and his successors at Alexandria in the 3rd century developed Neoplatonism, a philosophical system, based on Platonism with elements of mysticism and some Judaic and Christian concepts. Philosophy of Saint Thomas Aquinascombined Neoplatonism with the doctrines of Aristotle within a context of Christian thought.

This classical mathematician and student started the first institution of higher learning in the western world. Alongside his student, Aristotle, Plato helped to lay the western science.

Plato of the most important western exerted influence on virtually every figure and authored the first comprehensive work on politics. Plato also contributed to ethics, metaphysics, and epistemology. Aristotle, his extremely influential student, also tutored Alexander the Great of Macedonia.

“Bir insan tanrıların varlığına hiç inanmasa da, eğer aynı zamanda dürüst bir mizacı varsa, böyle kişiler insanlardaki kötülükten nefret eder; yanlışlıklara karşı olan nefretleri, onları yanlış işler yapmaktan uzaklaştırır; haksızlıktan kaçınırlar ve namuslu yaşarlar”
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“O halde, her bilgi, kendinden üstün olanın işine geleni değil, kendi yönetimi altında olanın yani güçsüzün işine geleni gözetir ve buyurur.”
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“Doğru olan, yalnız güçlünün işine geleni yapmak değil, tersini de, işine gelmeyeni yapmaktır”
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“Öyleyse dostum, insanlara yapılan kötülük onları doğruluktan uzaklaştırır”
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“El amor es una grave enfermedad mental.”
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“porque el camino recto del amor, ya se guíe por sí mismo, ya sea guiado por otro, es comenzar por las bellezas inferiores y elevarse hasta la belleza suprema, pasando, por decirlo así, por todos los grados de la escala de un solo cuerpo bello a dos, de dos a todos los demás, de los bellos cuerpos a las bellas ocupaciones, de las bellas ocupaciones a las bellas ciencias, hasta que de ciencia en ciencia se llega a la ciencia por excelencia, que no es otra que la ciencia de lo bello mismo, y se concluye por conocerla tal como es en sí.”
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