Plotinus photo


Egyptian-born Roman philosopher Plotinus and his successors in the 3rd century at Alexandria founded and developed Neoplatonism, a philosophical system, which, based on Platonism with elements of mysticism and some Judaic and Christian concepts, posits a single source from which all existence emanates and with which one mystically can unite an individual soul;

The Enneads

collects his writings.

Saint Thomas Aquinas combined elements of this system and other philosophy within a context of Christian thought.

People widely consider this major of the ancient world alongside Ammonius Saccas, his teacher.

He influenced in late antiquity. Much of our biographical information about Plotinus comes from preface of Porphyry to his edition. His metaphysical writings inspired centuries of pagan, Islamic, and Gnostic metaphysicians and mystics.

“It is in virtue of unity that beings are beings.”
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“The soul in its nature loves God and longs to be at one with Him in the noble love of a daughter for a noble father; but coming to human birth and lured by the courtships of this sphere, she takes up with another love, a mortal, leaves her father and falls.”
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“To make the existence and coherent structure of this Universe depend upon automatic activity and upon chance is against all good sense.”
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“Life is the flight of the alone to the alone.”
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“Withdraw into yourself and look.”
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“The world is finite, harmonious, and good.”
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“The world is knowable, harmonious, and good.”
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“Wherever it lies, under earth or over earth, the body will always rot. ”
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“Being is desirable because it is identical with Beauty, and Beauty is loved because it is Being. We ourselves possess Beauty when we are true to our own being; ugliness is in going over to another order; knowing ourselves, we are beautiful; in self-ignorance, we are ugly.”
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“I am striving to give back the Divine in myself to the Divine in the All.”
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