Call her Donna or Angela, she might respond with a smile. This Indonesian writer divides her time juggling to make ends meet, writing, balancing her attention between her partner (Isman H. Suryaman) and children, managing the household, and of course, occasionally sipping earl grey tea to keep her sane. She has written twenty books so far, popular fiction, in Gramedia Pustaka Utama (GPU). Her newest book, Candrasa, is published in August 2017.
Her passion for new experiences propels her to seek new chances to meet more people. Enthused for fresh inspirations, she longs to join multicultural events, collecting data and broadening her horizon.
She claims to be unique, independent and strong. She dreams and imagines a lot. "But what is love, and what is life, if you do not let yourself live?"
“Selagi masih hidup, aku masih ingin bermimpi.”
“Kata-kata dapat menjadi mantra. Mantra yang akan terkabul, karena kamu jadi memercayainya.”
“Love changes you and people around you.”
“If there were two enemies hating each other for a long time, to me, the winner would be the one who finally has the courage to forgive.”
“But what is love, and what is life, if you do not let yourself live?”
“It's not how great the ideas are. It's about how you write them, to make them great.”
“Perhaps people hate because it's more difficult to love. It also takes more courage to do the latter.”
“Some friends gladly stay, some move away. Some come and go, but their affections grow. While some, I recall, are not friends at all.”
“Rahasiaku produktif menulis? Hanya satu kata: NIAT.”
“When you think you know everything, it means that you actually know nothing.”
“I don't like sycophants. Unless you're a cat.”
“Love is like flowers blossoming in spring. When you think it ends, it’ll grow again in time.”
“You're only a victim when you allow yourself to be one. ”
“Love is the essence of life. ”