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Priscilla Glenn

Priscilla Glenn lives in New York with her husband and three children. She has been teaching English Language Arts for the past twelve years while moonlighting as a writer, mom, coach, student, and professional laundry-doer.

If you catch her when she's feeling sophisticated, she'll tell you her favorite things are great books and good wine. In the moments in between, she'll admit her love for anything Ben and Jerry's, UFC fights, and Robert Pattinson.

Glenn is the author of the contemporary romance novels Back to You, Emancipating Andie, and Coming Home. You can contact her at [email protected]

“I didn’t want to be the kind of guy who had no regrets. Honestly, I wouldn’t trust someone who had no regrets. It means that they’ve never learned from their mistakes, or they’re too arrogant to realise they’ve made them in the first place … I think having regrets makes us better people … So…instead of having no regrets, we should know our regrets … Wear them like a bade of lessons learned … If we can’t recognise when we’ve messed up, then how will we know when we’ve gotten it right?”
Priscilla Glenn
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“His heart was racing, and he wanted her to hear it. And he wanted her to know that from here on out, it beat solely for her.”
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“I’m gonna fall in love with you.”
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“We judge people by our own standards of happiness … What makes you happy might not make that woman over there happy. But human beings have a terrible habit of thinking they know what’s best for each other. ”
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“Don’t ever apologize for being you, Andie.” She opened her eyes and turned to him. He was looking at her, and there was such conviction and sincerity in his expression that Andie felt like she was going to break under the weight of it.”
Priscilla Glenn
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“I do what I want to do. I refuse to hold back what I’m thinking or what I’m feeling anymore. And if someone doesn’t like it, then they don’t need to be in my life. If that makes me an asshole, then so be it. I don’t want to spend any more time trying to make other people happy. Life is much more enjoyable when you’re surrounded by people who just accept you for you.”
Priscilla Glenn
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“You know something Andie? If we could find some coal for you to sit on, we could both retire early.”
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“Everything happens for a reason,” she finally said.“What?” Chase scoffed as his eyes flashed back to hers. “Oh you’ve got to be kidding me.”“Why?”“Because it’s total horseshit,” he laughed. “That’s just some crap people say when something bad happens and they have no way to explain it. It’s a pathetic way to try and make somebody feel better. And if anything, it has the reverse effect.”Andie shrugged. “I disagree.”“Anytime anyone has ever said that to me, it just made me want to punch them in the face.”“That’s because you’re an asshole,” she said matter-of factly.”
Priscilla Glenn
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“I can't promise you that I'll never be am asshole again. But I can promise you that I don't mean it. And I can't promise you that I won't ever make mistakes, but I can promise you that I'll learn from them and do whatever it takes to make it right with you again.”
Priscilla Glenn
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“I think it’s sad that we’ll never know her,” Chase said. She glanced over at him suspiciously. “Think of how many people there are in the world that you’ll never know. Like that guy right there,” he said, nodding toward the car that whizzed by them. “What’s that guy’s name? Where’s he going? Is he happy with his life? Did he want Bella to end up with Edward or Jacob?”
Priscilla Glenn
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“Did you google ‘best groveling speeches’ while I was passed out?”
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“You don’t see the world the way other people do. And when you let your guard down, the way you think, the way you say things… you make people look at things differently. You make people feel things.”
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“You look new right now,” he finally said.“New?” He nodded. “Like you just discovered yourself.” Andie felt something jolt through her veins as he added, “It’s hard to explain, but I wish you could see it. It looks good on you.”
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“Are you gonna put your shirt back on?” she blurted out. Chase froze, looking over his shoulder at her with the most maddening smile. “Why? Is this bothering you?” “I just…” Andie sputtered, floundering through her response. “I mean, what if we get pulled over or something?” “If we get pulled over, this could only work in your favor,” he said, running his hands over his chest. Andie tried to stifle a laugh. “My God, you’re insufferable.”
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“Maybe something bad would have happened if this guy didn’t slow you down when he did. Maybe this is your guardian angel, looking out for you.”
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“It should have been a harmless question, but music was a personal thing for him; sharing his favorites always felt so intimate, like pulling out little pieces of his soul and laying them bare.”
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“Even though you're disappointed, you didn't forget to still love him, did you?”
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“Lauren leaned over and grabbed the bottle, pouring some into his glass. For a minute, they just sat next to each other in silence. Then Lauren said, "This is oddly familiar. Only it used to be whiskey."Michael smiled. "And it used to be straight out of the bottle. We've classed it up a bit, apparently.”
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“His face, like everything she knew about him, was purely contradictory. That cherubic mouth with those penetrating eyes: he was too lovely to be menacing, but too intense to be innocent.”
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“You were never supposed to love me. I wasn’t prepared for it”
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“I never stopped loving you. Not for one second.”
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“If you really want something, you should stop until you get it, no matter what you have to do.”
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“I should probably warn you … I had a personal trainer once. He and I did not enjoy each other.”
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“Hey, Lauren?” he called, and she stopped so abruptly her bag slid off her shoulder. She caught it at the last second and turned, her expression taken aback.Del smirked. “Don’t be so surprised that I know your name. You’re not as invisible as you think you are.”She closed her mouth, looking at him. “I’m not gonna stop calling you Red, though” he added casually.”
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“You know something, Red? … I think we got a good thing going on here.”
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“The crust is the best part,” he explained around his mouthful of food. “If they made an all-crust pizza, I’d be a pig in shit.”Lauren took a delicate bite of her own slice. “I’m pretty sure they do. It’s called bread.”He stopped chewing as he looked at her, and a smirk lifted the corner of his mouth. She’s a wiseass.”
Priscilla Glenn
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“I don't know what you were looking for, but I just needed a little stress relief.""Stress relief? That's all this was?""'Fraid so. ""Well, I heard that going for a master's degree can be pretty stressful.""It's torture.""Could be that you might need stress relief on a regular basis then?""I couldn't agree more. It's a good thing batteries are on sale at Target this week.”
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“That night with you, nothing compared to it. Nothing ever came close.”
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“For as long as I've known you, you've given me a part of you that you haven't given to anyone else. And now I'm finally getting to do the same.”
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“And she couldn't help but smile at the irony of the fact that the baddest boy in school could somehow always make her feel like the world was good.”
Priscilla Glenn
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“I think I'm going to go. I'll see you this weekend. And just so you know, holding grudges gives you premature wrinkles.""Yeah, well, in this case, not holding them would make you a wrinkle-less fool.”
Priscilla Glenn
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“And there he sat, looking outwardly composed, and all she could think of was that pond. Because something about him, something in his eyes, divulged the secret; there was a whole world in there, thriving just below the surface where no one could see it.”
Priscilla Glenn
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“Everyone deserved the chance to be redeemed, and Michael had gone his whole life never having it. He never got to redeem himself with his father. He never got to redeem himself with his brother. And if he was trying to redeem himself now for what he'd done ro her, then she was going to let him, even if it left her vulnerable.”
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“Ifyou really want something, you shouldn’t stop untilyou get it, no matter what you have to do.”
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“Well,sometimes if something is really important to you, itgets stuck in your body,” he said, poking her ribs andmaking her laugh. “So even if your mind thinks that it’sgone, it’s still in there, kind of hiding inside of you, justwaiting for you to remember. It never goes away.”
Priscilla Glenn
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“Even when she was pretending she wasn’t hurt, she never pretended not tomiss him.”
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“And when he winked at her, she knew beyond a shadow of a doubt thatfrom that moment on, she would do anything for him.”
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“See, Red? When life hands you lemons, you know what you gotta donow.”“Wow,” Lauren said. “Yes, Mr. Cliché, I know what I have to do. I makelemonade.”“No,” he said. “You scream, ‘Fuck you, lemons!”
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“I always knew I would fall in love with you, but you were never supposed to love me back. (Michael/Del)”
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“Maybe you should check your facts before you try to make someone else look stupid. That way you won't end up looking like a moron yourself. (Michael/Del)”
Priscilla Glenn
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