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P.W. Cross

Welcome to my author page. I appreciate your visit. Following is a bit about me.

I live with my wife in the mountains, and love spending time in the woods. We have two wonderful children--grown and off on their own.

I enjoy creating things: writing, computer programming. I've had a long and productive career designing and building computer software systems.

The software I've written touches a lot of our world--transportation, communication, space exploration (NASA), energy distribution (gas & electric), water distribution . . .

Poking my finger into so many areas, has left me excited and upbeat about our world and the future. I bring this passion to my writing, releasing my first book (now out of print), The Computer Revolution Survival Guide--or Martha Cuts Loose, over twenty years ago, followed by the first of The Idea Miners series, The Lost Lake Dig. And I'm currently writing the second (The Twisted Tree Dig) and third (currently untitled) books in The Idea Miners series.

You can read more about The Idea Miner series at www.TheIdeaMiners.com.

“Ideas define us, our past, our present, and most importantly, our future.”
P.W. Cross
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