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R. Alan Woods

I've been a "Born Again" believer for 62 years. I am affiliated with The Vineyard Christian Fellowship movement, co-founded by John and Carol Wimber since 1984. I'm a published Christian author, Theological Scholar, and author/editor/publisher at and owner of Rhema Rising Press. I teach and lecture on Biblical Theology, Apologetics, and the Old & New Testaments.

Marina DeAngelo [1968- 2012].

"Upon the glazen shelves kept watch Matthew and Waldo, guardian's of the faith, the army of unalterable law"- Cousin Nancy [1917].


“Ecclesiastes would be quite unbearable were it not for Heavens eternity and its citizens". ~R. Alan Woods [2013]”
R. Alan Woods
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“If you don't like the weather in southern Ohio, just wait fifteen minutes!!!". ~R. Alan Woods [2013]”
R. Alan Woods
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“You can only accomplish the impossible when the God of the possible is involved".~R. Alan Woods [2013]”
R. Alan Woods
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“Despite all claims to the contrary, we have not been called by God to be inspectors of others production or quality of 'fruit'.”
R. Alan Woods
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“The idea that reason and rationality is somehow separate from and antithetical to ones ' heart' is one of the most absurd theologies I have ever in my life heard." ~R. Alan Woods ("Just Keeping It Real", Copyright 2012)”
R. Alan Woods
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“A spirit of suspicion is not the gift of discernment.”
R. Alan Woods
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“Wisdom may begin in wonder, however, it inevitability ends in righteousness (Socrates)."~R. Alan Woods [2013]”
R. Alan Woods
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“Continual prayer is a lifestyle."~R. Alan Woods [2013]”
R. Alan Woods
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“The head and the heart are not separate, but rather like intimate friends who work together sharing their experiences which enrich our lives and those of others". ~R. Alan Woods [2012]”
R. Alan Woods
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“I use Facebook to broadcast my intellectual luggage".~R. Alan Woods [2012]”
R. Alan Woods
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“You can't fix stupid”
R. Alan Woods
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“My worldview aside from my Christian perspective is more aligned with Plato's thinking, conclusions, and philosophy”
R. Alan Woods
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“So how does God affect justice in this life/economy/reality? A lightening bolt, an angel of death, or by the hand of a human being?"~R. Alan Woods [2012]”
R. Alan Woods
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“Yet, we must never 'throw the baby out with the bathwater'".~R. Alan Woods [2012]”
R. Alan Woods
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“We're all diamonds in the rough until God gets His hands on us". ~R. Alan Woods [1984]”
R. Alan Woods
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“Language is not the barrier, the heart is".~R. Alan Woods [2012]”
R. Alan Woods
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“If the colander is perforated, then the hole filled vessel is irrelevant". ~R. Alan Woods [2012]”
R. Alan Woods
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“Be annoyed and sin not" ~R. Alan Woods [2012]”
R. Alan Woods
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“‎"Being most concerned with God's righteous judgments rather than the biased judgments of mere men, I have been standing...for the cause of Christ". ~ R. Alan Woods [2012]”
R. Alan Woods
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“Greed applied is prosperity realized". ~R. Alan Woods [2006]”
R. Alan Woods
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“‎"The only abject failure my mind can think of is ones failure to spend Eternity in God's Heaven" ~R. Alan Woods [2012]”
R. Alan Woods
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“God is The Reasonable One, therefore reason & faith are not antithetical" ~R. Alan Woods [2007]”
R. Alan Woods
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“‎"The more we spend our time 'practicing the presence' of Jesus, the more we become like Him"~ R. Alan Woods”
R. Alan Woods
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“The problem with the church is the church”
R. Alan Woods
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“Free markets and capitalism are predicated upon the definition of greed as altruistic in economics".~R. Alan Woods [2012]”
R. Alan Woods
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“I jus luvs me some lily white turkeymeats". ~R. Alan Woods [2012]”
R. Alan Woods
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“Critical thinking is a necessary and vital skill".~R. Alan Woods [2012]”
R. Alan Woods
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“In my opinion, I'm quite certain that Dr. Miroslav Volf most always means simply what he says and says exactly what he means and he no more speaks in 'code' than I do".~R. Alan Woods [2012]”
R. Alan Woods
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“Good and bad exist always, everywhere”
R. Alan Woods
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“No one is perfect and perfectly holy but God alone".~R. Alan Woods [2012]”
R. Alan Woods
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“A sincere apology is analogous to authentic repentance".~R. Alan Woods [2013]”
R. Alan Woods
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“Churchill was an articulatory genius."~R. Alan Woods [2013]”
R. Alan Woods
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“It is widely unknown, but nonetheless true that Catholicism fervently promotes the 'spiritual disciplines' whereas Protestantism has largely neglected them altogether. Does 'volunteerism' facilitate the formation of Christ's character in us or rather does it reveal our level of Christ-like maturity through the work of the Holy Spirit in us? Jesus modeled son-ship and gave all of His time, shared his talents,and invested all of His treasure while affirming others as He proclaimed through demonstrations the Kingdom of God.'Christ-likeness cannot be self-efforted' (Woods, 2007)." ~R. Alan Woods [2013]”
R. Alan Woods
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“A presumption becomes a self-refuting assertion". ~R. Alan Woods [2012]”
R. Alan Woods
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“It's not about religion, it's about relationship".~R. Alan Woods [2006]”
R. Alan Woods
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“It's not about an organized religious system, it's about a supernatural, intimate relationship with the creator God of Christianity". ~R. Alan Woods [2012]”
R. Alan Woods
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“Truth inevitably pierces its target, the hearts of men".~ R. Alan Woods [2012]”
R. Alan Woods
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“To tirelessly promote the cause of Christ and his Father's Kingdom is the fire that should burn bright in the hearts of all men"~ R. Alan Woods [2012]”
R. Alan Woods
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“Be wary of any man who says he has no enemies"~ R. Alan Woods [2006]”
R. Alan Woods
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“Everything I have learned has not come from books, it has come experientially over time under pressure walking with Christ".~ R. Alan Woods [2012]”
R. Alan Woods
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“Christ-likeness cannot be self-efforted" ~R. Alan Woods [2007]”
R. Alan Woods
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“Signs & wonders are a manifestation of God's love for us. The Resurrection was the greatest sign & wonder of them all and without it our existence would be in vain. If theology matters (Wimber), then so does knowledge. Without it Noah, Abraham, Jesus, or Paul would not have fulfilled God's purposes. 'My people perish for a lack of knowledge' (NT-passim)."~R. Alan Woods [2013]”
R. Alan Woods
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“Scientism is gnosticism wrapped in a post-modern package".~R. Alan Woods [2009]”
R. Alan Woods
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“The Fathers intent desire is that none would 'perish'. The promise God has given us is one of 'liberation'- Freedom. Being set free "from" captivity and reconciled "to" your Father. Intimacy with Jesus garners son-ship with Abba. As Jesus "demonstrated" that Son-ship of Grace he said, 'I only "say" and "do" what I hear the Father saying and doing'. Proclaiming the Kingdom of God by "Do'in the Stuff". The early church 'got' Jesus. John Wimber 're-got' Jesus and began proclaiming the Kingdom and demonstrating it as any loving son would of his Father. Now, we are no longer refuges but 'Bona Fide' citizens in good standing with our King and our new country. Where Love, Mercy, Grace; Peace 'rains' on us eternally here and now. 'The Already But Not Yet' (Ruis)."~R. Alan Woods [2013]”
R. Alan Woods
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“I think someone, somewhere, at some time once said, 'Nuance is a bitch!' ". ~R. Alan Woods [2012]”
R. Alan Woods
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“I am most annoyed with the real possibility and the likely hood that what I have to say as a progeny of my thinking may not be of much value until well after my demise!".~R. Alan Woods [2012]”
R. Alan Woods
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“The more important point is that Reality is much more 'nuanced' that we may imagine. Operationally co-existent economies make for a much better fit into what we now know about our material universe per quantum physics, et al. This is after all His creation and He is the Rational One. Reason and Faith are not antithetical, but rather synergistic.”
R. Alan Woods
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“I am not aligned in my thinking with Calvinism, neither am I aligned in my thinking with Arminianism. I have proposed a more 'Wholeistic' theology encompassing the 'both/and' in the context Objective Truth & Reality". ~R. Alan Woods [2012]”
R. Alan Woods
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“YOU CAN RUN, BUT CAN NOT HIDE"The statement, 'after giving it much thought', hardly becomes credible when one spends less that 24 hours in that endeavor. In fact, it is really giving something very little thought at all. In that case it becomes an issue of denial. And also, those who proclaim Christ as Lord and God as Abba, who run to Them to hide from the very issues in their lives that They desire to deal with and remove, always amaze me. We as Christians should run to God with the hope that He will reveal to us that which He intently desires to deliver us from".[Just Keeping It Real]”
R. Alan Woods
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“I'm of the opinion that many Christians are in deep denial about the reality of there being 'real' Evil in this world. Evil that cannot be reasoned with; is reprobate, incorrigible, determined, un-appeasable, violent, murderous, and unrelenting. I find this denial shocking in that the Bible clearly shows that in the end this battle is all about Good vs. Evil. This is a very real and present danger to the leaders and people of Israel. They know the truth and are not in any denial about it!!! It's harsh, yes! However, it is Real and a danger to those in Israel. This is not my first rodeo!!! Combat brings me no joy!!! But, God has His holy warriors who risk their lives so others can have the luxury to live in denial!!! Israeli's have no such luxury!!!”
R. Alan Woods
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