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R. Alan Woods

I've been a "Born Again" believer for 62 years. I am affiliated with The Vineyard Christian Fellowship movement, co-founded by John and Carol Wimber since 1984. I'm a published Christian author, Theological Scholar, and author/editor/publisher at and owner of Rhema Rising Press. I teach and lecture on Biblical Theology, Apologetics, and the Old & New Testaments.

Marina DeAngelo [1968- 2012].

"Upon the glazen shelves kept watch Matthew and Waldo, guardian's of the faith, the army of unalterable law"- Cousin Nancy [1917].


“The Reality of the Creator God of Christianity blatantly reveals itself in His majestic handy-work."~R. Alan Woods [2013]”
R. Alan Woods
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“What some fail to understand and keep in their minds is that I am always fundamentally promoting the 'Things of God', The Cause of Jesus Christ, and The Kingdom of God”
R. Alan Woods
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“After witnessing the inauguration ceremonies, I am compelled to state how deeply grateful and infinitely thankful and eternally blessed I am to and by God for the privilege of being born and for living out my life in this amazing country- The United States of America”
R. Alan Woods
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“I always revisit those things I think I know with the hope that I will learn and understand that much more". ~R. Alan Woods [2007]”
R. Alan Woods
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“Character is what we do when no one else is watching"~R. Alan Woods [2012]”
R. Alan Woods
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“A gift twice given is a gift most cherished”
R. Alan Woods
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“This is how I roll: Joined with Jesus at the hip rid'in the roller coaster to the end which is the beginning of Life eternal" ~R. Alan Woods [2012]”
R. Alan Woods
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“Dynamic/Active vs. Static/Passive. The Biblical statement, '...and with knowledge gain understanding, and with understanding gain wisdom'- NT (passim), speaks to an active experiential involvement necessary on our part in producing a state of dynamic pragmatism. To my understanding, wisdom is knowledge understood and applied in our daily lives where the-rubber-meets-the-road".~R. Alan Woods [2013]”
R. Alan Woods
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“Ones Rebirth and Resurrection are singular acts of God".~R. Alan Woods [2013]”
R. Alan Woods
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“A well rounded education never hurt anyone". ~R. Alan Woods [1999]”
R. Alan Woods
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“The inclusiveness of the invitation to be reconciled to God through Christ's work of Atonement- acknowledgement of who He is (God) and what He has done (Redemption)- aligns itself perfectly with the paradigm shift intrinsic to the New Covenant". ~R. Alan Woods [2012]”
R. Alan Woods
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“Critical thinking is a lost 'art' that has yet to be found, if it is even being looked for".”
R. Alan Woods
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“ 'Lady Wisdom' is my wife and those I reach with Truth understood are my children".~R. Alan Woods [2012]”
R. Alan Woods
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“It's not about worthiness, it's about willingness.”
R. Alan Woods
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“It takes practice to become proficient at something. Practicing the presence of God will make us good at it.”
R. Alan Woods
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“Jesus said, 'The Kingdom of God is within' and 'I only say what I hear the Father saying and I only do what I see the Father doing'. Therefore, It is something we experience, articulate, and do. The Kingdom of God is already here but not yet fully realized.”
R. Alan Woods
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“Jesus said, 'Enter into My rest' and let God do what He does best”
R. Alan Woods
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“We don't do the cleaning, the Holy Spirit does”
R. Alan Woods
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“Jesus always kept it real: He always responded in a way that led one to the end of ones self and presented one with a clear choice: Will I walk away feeling challenged or will I walk with Him being changed.”
R. Alan Woods
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“God has certainly not called us to throw our brains out the window as an appropriate response to His Grace".R. Alan Woods [2012]”
R. Alan Woods
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“The Father is always intimately entwined in our struggles".~R. Alan Woods [2013]”
R. Alan Woods
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“Forgiveness is a practiced and fervrent process".~R. Alan Woods [2012]”
R. Alan Woods
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“Selective literalism' is another attempt in a very long line of techniques designed and intended to shape God into our own image".~R. Alan Woods [2012]”
R. Alan Woods
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“The things about others that irritate, annoy, and unsettle us are the very things we have not accepted and embraced about ourselves”
R. Alan Woods
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“And, yes we are much like kites when the image is one of spirituality and the winds of the Holy Spirit shaping, directing, instructing, and otherwise affecting our lives."~R. Alan Woods [2012]”
R. Alan Woods
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“I have often been accused of being obtuse, however one must dig well below the top-soil to get my drift".~R. Alan Woods [2012]”
R. Alan Woods
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“I am not in full alignment with Preteristic theology per se, however I could say that I may be a 'partial preterist'."~R. Alan Woods [2012]”
R. Alan Woods
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“God accomplishes much through us His servants".~R. Alan Woods [2012]”
R. Alan Woods
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“The Theology of The Holy Trinity has been well established for 1700 years. In my opinion, it is hyper-evident by the New Testament manuscripts in conjunction with the writings and ensuing Theologies of The Early & Later Church fathers that The Father,The Son, and The Holy Spirit are Objectively Real and True".~R. Alan Woods [2012]”
R. Alan Woods
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“Me, myself, and I enjoy our own company immensely.”
R. Alan Woods
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“The Garden of Gethsemane narrative gives us a vivid view of Jesus' humanity". ~R. Alan Woods [1999]”
R. Alan Woods
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“Knowledge & understanding mixed with ones convictions of 'experience' is hardly impositional". ~R. Alan Woods [2012]”
R. Alan Woods
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“To us post-moderns, empathy is a stranger in a strange land". ~R. Alan Woods [2012]”
R. Alan Woods
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“In my opinion, anyone who says they have no anxiety at all over experiencing their own physical death is not in touch with their humanity".~R. Alan Woods [2012]”
R. Alan Woods
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“This ain't my first rodeo!".~R. Alan Woods [1999]”
R. Alan Woods
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“Put this in your 'pastoral' pipe and smoke it!!!"~R. Alan Woods [2012]”
R. Alan Woods
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“I am not an 'elder', 'deacon', nor a 'pastor', and I do not have any ambitions to become one!".~R. Alan Woods {2012]”
R. Alan Woods
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“In my opinion and to the best of my understanding, free-will and pre-determination are two distinctly different economies that are 'operationally co-existent'".”
R. Alan Woods
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“Faith without any accompanying action is suspect". ~R. Alan Woods [2012]”
R. Alan Woods
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“Faith is a three dimensional action verb".~R. Alan Woods [19998]”
R. Alan Woods
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“However, we all sin by omission. Therefore, we are all sinners in constant need of a 'Savior'."~R. Alan Woods [2010]”
R. Alan Woods
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“The Kingdom of God is the already but not yet". ~R. Alan Woods [1998]”
R. Alan Woods
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“As Christians it is not just for us to know what we believe, but why we believe it".~R. Alan Woods [2012]”
R. Alan Woods
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“A clear picture of that which God wants for us is rarely clearly articulated".~R. Alan Woods [2012]”
R. Alan Woods
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“I refuse to wait until my demise to be quoted!!!"~R. Alan Woods [2012]”
R. Alan Woods
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“God is all about passion for the possible.”
R. Alan Woods
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“Freewill does not impune the sovereignty of God, it in fact affirms it.”
R. Alan Woods
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“There are things far worse than death, for when it comes to us it is final. What lies beyond it is a matter of faith in what we had hope for.”
R. Alan Woods
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“Objective Reality and Truth requires neither ones consent nor dissent.”
R. Alan Woods
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“The free-will of man cannot impune the sovereignty of God, and conversely the sovereignty of God would not impune the free-will of men".”
R. Alan Woods
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