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R. Janvier del Valle

Hey guys. I'm a new indie author just trying to make it in this industry doing what I love. I hope you enjoy my books. Thanks for taking the time out to read them!

My warmest regards,



Full Name: Reinaldo Janvier Del Valle (Rey Del Valle)

Pen Name: R. Janvier del Valle

Born: San Juan, PR

Age: Ah..no

Hometown: Atlanta, GA

Education: Bachelor of Business Admin., Kennesaw St. Univ., Master of Theological Studies, Spring Hill College

Occupation: Jedi Knight (mostly)

Some of his Favorites Fantasy Books: Phantastes, Once and Future King, LOTR, Neverending Story, Solomon Kane

Today, his favorite fantasy movie is: Excalibur (this will change tomorrow)

Favorite Band: Sade

Favorite TV: Dexter, Homeland, Downton Abbey, Person of Interest

Favorite Anime: Robotech, Full Metal Alchemist, Lunar Legend Tsukihime, Noir

Favorite Car: Acura NSX


Favorite Ice Cream: Chocolate and....

Favorite Ghost Ice Cream (that is, ice cream you try once and then disappears forever): Starbucks White Chocolate Mocha Fudge

Favorite Coffee: Black

Favorite Candy: Uh, today, Reese's

Favorite 80's quotes:

" I've seen things you people wouldn't believe. Attack ships on fire off the shoulder of Orion. I watched C-beams glitter in the dark near

the Tannhauser gate. All those moments will be lost in time, like tears in rain..."

" Killian, here's your Subzero, now plain zero."

"Can you dig it!"

"Warriors--come out to playeehay!"

"Who is the master? Shonuff!"

" When this thing gets up to 88 mph, you're gonna see some serious s***"

Favorite 90's quotes:

"Homey don't play that!"

"Oh, my God, they killed Kenney!"

"Happy, happy, joy, joy!"

"It's not a tumor!"

Favoirte Soap Operas: (80s) Santa Barbara (90s) Days of our Lives

Favorite Unkown 80s Movies: Wolfen, Kill and Kill Again, The Sword and the Sorcerer, Saturday the 14th

Favorite Taco: Al Pastor

Favorite Transformer: Optimus, duh.

Favorite Thundercat: Cheetara. Yum.

Favorite Fantasy Movie Sword: Conan's sword, Beastmaster's sword, Exaclibur

Shaken or Stirred: Blended

Chicken Biscuit: Yes, please.

Beach or Mountains: Mountains, fo sho.

“What do you have against happiness?” said the man.“Nothing, I guess.”“Then don’t talk about things you don’t know. There’s no reason you shouldn’t let your feelings flourish. Is it not the ultimate act to feel the greatest happiness? If pain is evil, then is not happiness good? Happiness is how we measure the worth of good things. The more pleasure we feel, the happier we are.”“Yes, but true goodness transcends what one can eat and feel,” said Jeskun, remembering his teacher’s words. “I don’t disagree that happiness is the greatest good; I just don’t agree with the objects of your pleasure. The ultimate pleasure is infinite, and all you have to offer me are things that rot. Your happiness, your pleasure, is merely temporary, and in the end it only leads to more suffering.”-Along the Many Houses of Damnation.”
R. Janvier del Valle
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“You’ve been nothing but scared since you first entered this forest,” said Wend as she put down the last of the leaves on the trap. “And when you saw me, you turned white as a ghost.”“That’s not because I’m scared,” said Jeskun, taking Dahkar and hiding him behind some trees. “I just--never saw anyone like you.”“You’ve never seen a girl?”“No, not that,” said Jeskun, frustrated.“I’ve just never--you have green hair and eyes and green lashes and green freckles. It’s all green, like the trees. I’ve never seen that.”“And you have yellow hair,” said Wend, inspecting her blade, not impressed with his reasoning. “This world is full of many colors.”
R. Janvier del Valle
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“To know the rules of steel you must be a master of everything around you; you must know every law that has been created for our use. If one eventually learns to master these laws, humbly, then one can encounter what is known as a higher law, that is, transcending steel’s natural ability into something supernatural. That small window of transcendence is where you find the Davinian’s mastery of steel, where the ground and sky come together. That’s why nothing in this earth is sharper than a Davinian blade. It’s not the steel that makes the edge, but the knowledge of the supernatural. The Davinian sharpens his sword by dipping into this higher reality.”
R. Janvier del Valle
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“It’s not that easy,” said the merchant. “The words are there, but they like to hide from the sun. I can’t say I blame them for doing so, for the sun is such a bother, lighting up everything, revealing everything. Some things need keeping in the dark. This book knows much about that.”
R. Janvier del Valle
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“The path that we are all called to travel is never the easiest path,” said Vohro as he strode up to the boy. “If ever you find yourself strolling down the road of life, know that you are truly lost.”-R. Janvier del Valle, The Abandoned Asylum of the Good Doctor Fangtasahd”
R. Janvier del Valle
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