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Rachel Adler

Rachel Adler is the David Ellenson Professor of Modern Jewish Thought at Hebrew Union College-Jewish Institute of Religion Los Angeles Campus. She pioneered in integrating feminist perspectives into interpreting Jewish texts and law. Her book "Engendering Judaism" (1998) is the first by a female theologian to win a National Jewish Book Award for Jewish Thought. Rabbi Adler has a PhD in Religion and Social Ethics from University of Southern California, rabbinical ordination from Hebrew Union College in 2012, an M.A. in English Literature from Northwestern University, and an MSW from University of Minnesota.

She has published over 55 articles, many of them reprinted in collections. Recent articles include "The Torah, Our Chavruta," in These Truths We Hold: Judaism in an Age of Truthiness edited by Joshua Garroway and Wendy Zierler (CCAR Press, 2020), "Social and Political Rights Irrespective of Sex" in Deepening the Dialogue: Jewish-Americans and Israelis Envisioning the Jewish Democratic State edited by Rabbis Stanley M. Davids and John L. Rosove (CCAR Press,2019), "For These I Weep: A Theology of Lament," (CCAR Journal 2014) and "Guardianship of Women in Jewish and Islamic Legal Texts" with Ayesha Chaudhry in Islamic and Jewish Legal Reasoning: Encountering our Legal Other edited by Anver Emon (OneWorld Press 2017). Books in progress include Pour Out Your Heart Like Water: Jewish Perspectives on Suffering (Oxford) and Gender and Jewish Thought: Theology and Ethics, with Rachel Sabath Beit-Halachmi.

“Sexual expression is so powerful a way of bonding with others and so devastating a way of hurting others that it can never be reduced to a mere matter of personal preferences. Sexual desires have immense capacities to order or disorder the social world. Because of this, the social meanings and expressions of sexual desire, connections, and taboos are an organizing component of human societies: Who wants whom? Who belongs with whom? Who is forbidden to whom? What do infractions mean, and what are their consequences?”
Rachel Adler
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