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Rachel Brady

A graduate of Wright State University and The Ohio State University, Rachel works as a biomedical engineer at NASA in addition to writing mystery and suspense fiction. Her interests include health and fitness, acoustic guitar, and books of all kinds. She lives outside of Houston, Texas, with her family. Final Approach was her debut novel in the Emily Locke series, which features a different sporting community in each book. Its sequel, Dead Lift, was released in December, 2010. Visit Rachel on-line at www.rachelbrady.net.

“When you're problem solving with a team and somebody has an idea separate the idea from the person talking, because once in a while a jackass might come up with something useful.”
Rachel Brady
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“I rested my head on the wall behind me and closed my eyes, wishing my life had a button: Ignore All.”
Rachel Brady
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“I leveled the gun and fired until it was empty.”
Rachel Brady
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