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Rachel Fisher

I think cliches are undervalued and that ellipses are just *asking* for abuse. :)

Since I was a girl I've been an avid reader, a science-fiction fanatic, and a lover of words.

A scientist by background, I've always loved biology-based science-fiction. It is in this vein that I offer my work.

“Seriously." Asher whispered. "You are pretty badass. It's a good thing you're little or I would be afraid of you.”
Rachel Fisher
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“Love is like water,' Fi murmured, 'You can't squish it down and make it any smaller. No matter how you squeeze it,' she held Kiara close as her chest tightened. 'It just keeps busting out. So when you lose someone, you don't lose the love. It stays with you just as big in your heart as it always was. We may want the ache to go away, but we can't give up the love. So you live with both.”
Rachel Fisher
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