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Rachel Hawthorne

aka Jade Parker and also writes with her son as J.A. London

(also writes romance under Lorraine Heath)

Rachel Hawthorne, who also writes as Lorraine Heath and Jade Parker, is the daughter of a British beauty (her mother won second place in a beauty contest sponsored by Max Factor® during which she received a kiss from Caesar Romero-who played the Joker on the old Batman TV series) and a Texan who was stationed at Bovingdon while serving in the air force. Lorraine was born in Watford, Herts, England, but soon after moved to Texas. Her "dual" nationality has given her a love for all things British and Texan. She enjoys weaving both heritages through her stories.

When she received her BA degree in psychology from the University of Texas, she had no idea she had gained a foundation that would help her to create believable characters—characters that are often described as “real people.” She writes for both adult and young adult readers. She received a Romantic Times Career Achievement Award for Americana historicals. Her novels have been recognized with a RITA, Romance Writers of America’s most prestigious award for excellence, a HOLT medallion award honoring outstanding literary fiction, a Romantic Times Reviewer’s Choice Award, five Texas Gold Awards, the Golden Quill Award, the Rising Star Award as well as other awards and recognitions. Her novels have been selections of the Doubleday and Rhapsody Book Club. Her novels have appeared on bestseller lists, including USA Today, Waldenbooks, and most recently, the New York Times.

“The quickest road to trust comes by building a bridge of common experiences.”
Rachel Hawthorne
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“I loved my parents and wanted to make them proud of me - but no longer at the cost of my own happiness.”
Rachel Hawthorne
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“And then the squirrel ran up my legs searching for nuts.' I nearly spewed my coffee and my eyes went wide as I jerked my head around to stare at Daniel.He gave me a wry grin and chuckled. 'I thought that would get your attention.”
Rachel Hawthorne
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“Deception may give us what we want for the present, but it will always take it away in the end.”
Rachel Hawthorne
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“But I'd learned the hard way that you can't tell by looking if a guy is destined to hurt you. From the outside, they all look nice.”
Rachel Hawthorne
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“Have you ever wanted something so badly, thought you’d die if you didn’t get it, then when you finally did get it, you wondered what all the fuss was about?”
Rachel Hawthorne
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“And his kiss wasn't at all like his smile. It wasn't crooked or one-sided. It was quite simply... perfect.”
Rachel Hawthorne
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“Dylan wrapped his arms around my middle and pulled me closer to him. Perhaps the true reason Hollywood made scary movies. So guys could have an excuse for holding a girl close.”
Rachel Hawthorne
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“Do you and Zach have trouble living together?''No. Must be a chick thing.' 'And you're sexist.''I'm sexy.”
Rachel Hawthorne
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“That sounded so incredibly romantic. Of course, Leonardo DiCaprio and Kate Winslet had thought the same thing in Titanic. And look how that had ended.”
Rachel Hawthorne
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“No point in playing if your goal is to lose.”
Rachel Hawthorne
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“The thing I've found about exciting is that it's like fireworks. A big burst of color. It takes your breath away, and then nothing. But something that's always there, while it might not be as exciting, like the stars in the sky, they can still steal your breath.”
Rachel Hawthorne
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“I can't believe you'd rather hold handle bars than a girl."He angled his head thoughtfully."I hadn't considered that.""Maybe you should."He hopped over,gingerly swinging his bad leg over to the other side and settled down behind me on the seat."You got rules on how I can hold you?""Nothing distracting while I'm driving," I tossed over my shoulder, meeting his gaze."We don't need another accident.""And when you're not driving?""The Kate-have-a-good-time fund is getting low.Maybe you should think about making a deposit.”
Rachel Hawthorne
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“Dolly Parton to my..well, ;et's just say that the greatly endowed wagon had passed me by.”
Rachel Hawthorne
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“Do you need anything?""I would say just you but that sounds way too corny.”
Rachel Hawthorne
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“I'm not confused anymore.I know what I want.""Me,too.What I've always wanted since I first saw you.""Why didn't you kiss me again after that first time,that night on the deck?""You didn't give me any hints that you wanted another one."i wiggled up a little closer to him and looped my fingers behind his neck. "What would a hint entail?"He held my gaze."Exactly what you're doing.""Then why aren't you kissing me?"He touched his nose to mine."It's cold out here.What if our lips freeze together?""I'll chance it.”
Rachel Hawthorne
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“I'm trying to figure out how much I need to deposit into the Kate-have-a-good-time fund," he said."It's pretty empty.You might have to make a substanial deposit." I couldn't believe how breathless I sounded,like I'd been running beside a snowmobile instead of riding on it.His grin grew."I'm still strapped for cash.""You're torturing me,you know thst? Did you take lessons from Sam?""I'm torturing you?Geez,you've been torturing me since the day we got here.”
Rachel Hawthorne
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“The weather,I finally thought.The weather was always a good topic of conversation. "That was some blizzard we had last week,wasn't it?" I asked, since he'd been at Cynthia's instead of with us.We could talk about the blackouts,the shrieking winds-He perked up, looked around. "There's a Dairy Queen in town?I didn't know that.Where is it?"I heard Allie snicker.Sam took up for his friend. "It's an understandable mistake.”
Rachel Hawthorne
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“But I just couldn't seem to get excited about the fact that we were sorta having a date.I mean, he'd asked me to go skiing with him, and so here I was, and my heart should have been pounding.But it wasn't.I could have been going to the grocery store to pick up a bag of potatoes for all the thudding it was doing.”
Rachel Hawthorne
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“I finally got it.Allie and Sam..heavy duty secret handshake going on.”
Rachel Hawthorne
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“I've totally fallen for him. Really bad.I don't know how I'm going to go back to Texas,Kate.""On an airplane."She scowled at me. "I'm serious.I don't want to leave him.”
Rachel Hawthorne
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“It's just that,well,I'm gonna pull a Brad on you.""You're going to start totally ignoring me?”
Rachel Hawthorne
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“He kicked me out,okay?""How can a guy who only has one good leg to stand on kick you out?""He doesn't want me around.""I find that hard to believe, Katie.""Yeah,well,he threw snow at me and told me to leave."She looked astounded.As well she should be."Where did he get snow?" she asked.Okay,I'd obviously misread the reason for her astonishment.It wasn't that he'd thrown snow at me,but that he'd had snow to throw.”
Rachel Hawthorne
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“I'd made myself some hot chocolate, located a book with a lot of murder and mayhem,curled up on a loveseat near the fireplace, and was happily envisioning Joe as the corpse of this tale.”
Rachel Hawthorne
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“I'd actually spent some time in my bedroom moving around using only one leg,trying to raise my sympathy level when I got really frustrated with him.”
Rachel Hawthorne
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“Don't wait for life to tap you on the shoulder.Go out and tap it.”
Rachel Hawthorne
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“Tell me there's more to it than just adding water," he said.I gave him a pointed look. "Nope. that's all there is to it."he looked over his shoulder at the doorway that led to the living room, then back at me. "Matchmaking?"I grimaced and nodded."You don't look thrilled.""It's my love life, and everyone treats it like it's a community project.”
Rachel Hawthorne
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“If I didn't know better,I'd think she arranged this snowstorm just so we'd all have to stay indoors for a while.”
Rachel Hawthorne
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“Even if the cables hold,your heart might not.”
Rachel Hawthorne
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“She won't reveal your secret handshake.""It's not my handshake I'm worried about.""Pretend it is.Because as far as I'm concerned,thats all the two of you do. Shake hands.Even if I see you kissing? In my head,I'm going to tell myself that you're shaking hands.”
Rachel Hawthorne
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“Switch places," Sam ordered me. "What are we doing, playing musical partners here?""I didn't know we were playing with Foosball sharks here.We're starting over.”
Rachel Hawthorne
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“Do I have clueless tattooed across my forehead?" Narrowing my eyes,I leaned toward him. "Yeah,I think maybe you do.”
Rachel Hawthorne
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“My brother," I said with emphasis, in case the snow had blinded her and she hadn't realized exactly who she'd been standing there with.”
Rachel Hawthorne
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“Caught in a lip-lock that I thought might require the expertise of the mountain rescue team to break apart'.”
Rachel Hawthorne
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“He was more of a cut-a-wisebrack-and-run-for-cover kind of guy.”
Rachel Hawthorne
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“You're my favorite sister." I snorted. "Gosh,I'd hate to be your unfavorite sister. I might not survive.""Hey,Kate,you know I'm just teasing when I give you a hard time.""Yeah,right,and the teasing just keeps me laughing.”
Rachel Hawthorne
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“Hey, ya'll,can we go?" Leah asked. "The cute guys are gonna be taken by the time we get there.""No,they won't be," Sam said,"Because you'll be ariving with them.”
Rachel Hawthorne
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“Hot chocolate should be sinful, and I don't believe in sinning in half measures.”
Rachel Hawthorne
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“Cynthia ordered Guilty Pleasure-why was I not surprised?”
Rachel Hawthorne
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“What can I get you guys?" Another lie, maybe?”
Rachel Hawthorne
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“After all,how long could it take to fix a garbage disposal? He could have built her a freaking new one by now. With his teeth.”
Rachel Hawthorne
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“Great.My brother was an entertainer and I was a sleeping pill.”
Rachel Hawthorne
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“I never understood how much responsability came with love.”
Rachel Hawthorne
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“Flotaba en el agua cuando le pregunté:-Entonces, ese tatuaje de tu hombro, ¿Qué significa?-Todos los machos se hacen un tatuaje cuando están listos para declarársele a la chica que han elegido para ser su pareja. El tatuaje representa el nombre de ella escrito en la lengua antigua de nuestra especie.-¿Y a quien has elegido tú?Él me miro como preguntándome si de verdad era tan tonta.-¡Ah!”
Rachel Hawthorne
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“Me di cuenta que me estaba confiando secretos que podían destruirlo. Aunque quizá no se tratara de una cuestión de confianza. Puede que fuera un problema de autoprotección. De pronto, para mí, la plata había pasado de ser un accesorio a una fuente potencial de muerte.”
Rachel Hawthorne
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“En un abrir y cerrar de ojos, nuestra relación pasó de la fase <>, a la fase de <>”
Rachel Hawthorne
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“Love is strange. It has no rhyme or reason. It simply is.”
Rachel Hawthorne
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“It's easier to start over than to work to make something last.”
Rachel Hawthorne
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“This was insane!Yes, he was hot, but so was Nick. Yes, he was nice, but so was Nick. Yes, he sent shivers of anticipation through me. But so did Nick. Okay, so they weren't this strong. But they werethere. Parker terrified me. Nick didn't. Nick was safe, like a carousel.Parker was the tallest, fastest, scariest thrill ride imaginable.”
Rachel Hawthorne
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“You've been avoiding me," he said, talking to the sandwich.I laughed. He looked over at me. "Sorry. I just realized that you talk to a lot of inanimate objects.”
Rachel Hawthorne
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