Rachel Hill photo

Rachel Hill

Author: Rachel Hill (AKA Gabby)

See Gabby' blog http://gabby-guides.blogspot.com/

See the book on youtube: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GrAQEg...

Gabby's trailer: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KIuDrS...

Aside from a few short stories about Keanu Reeves, A Girls Guide to Guys is Rachel's first attempt at writing. She has just trudged her way through her school years and is now ready to begin the hard life of a university student; where it is clearly all serious work and early mornings.

Website for the book is http://www.gabby-guides.com

As well as giving her an excuse to laze around and read books all day, she hopes her choice of an English Literature course will finally knock the confusion between 'your' and 'you're' out of her once and for all.

A Girls Guide to Guys was written as a result of Rachel being absolutely hopeless when it came to anything boy related. Turning to girly magazines, she found some help in numerous how to articles but found mainly that these were written for semi-capable people who only needed a little push in the right direction.

Rachel did need someone to tell her how to do something; she needed someone to tell her how to do everything, right down to the shoes to wear. Because it's all very well to tell someone to 'smile alluringly' but there is a surprisingly fine line between 'flirting with your eyes' and scary evil stare.

Sometime later, when she'd finally gathered her information together from a secret boy source who may or may not know his giving away of guy secrets have found their way into a book, she decided that there was a slim chance there were other girls out there similarly hopeless with boys and so maybe she should share what she'd found out.

The guide is introduced by a character called Gabby who leads the reader through the guide explaining all about the strange alien life from that gives every girl problems, BOYS! Why Gabby? Because then she can pretend it is her alter ego who knew what to do all along.

“Yes, boys are a little like shoes. Why? Well...They can be useful. But mainly...They are nice to look at. Getting the right one can be a lovely accessory to an outfit. There are times when you couldn't do without them. And there are times when you'd rather do without them. Get the wrong ones and they can hurt. There are many types and often the ones that look the nicest are completely unpractical.”
Rachel Hill
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