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Rachel Keener

Years ago, during an intense law class I gave up trying to make sense of civil procedure. Instead, I opened a blank page on my laptop and started writing about a girl named Mercy. By the time I graduated, that blank page had become my first novel.

Today, my law license is inactive, but my writing is not. I'm the author of The Killing Tree, The Memory Thief, and my new novel, Pearl Weaver's Epic Apology. I aspire to create books filled with characters that endure. It is my great wish that you will treasure your time with these characters as much as I have.

I love chatting with readers. If your book club would like to set up an author discussion, please visit my website at www.rachelkeener.com for more information.

“Love is like mud. Only as strong as the shape you give it. Love is like paint. It can color over all the empty places. If you drop it, Love will break you.”
Rachel Keener
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