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Rachel Van Dyken

Rachel Van Dyken is the New York Times, Wall Street Journal, and USA Today Bestselling author of regency and contemporary romances.

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“I love you, Trace. I always have. Just remember that, okay? Hold on to it. No matter what I say or what I do... and trust me, I'll do some terrible things. Just know. I love you. With every fiber of my being.”
Rachel Van Dyken
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“It's important to keep your options open.It's important to live and not get s hung up on the past.The past is called the past for a reason.If you are constantly looking behind you, your eyes aren't on the road ahead.You don't drive a car that way, so why would you live your life that way?.”
Rachel Van Dyken
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“That, he said as he kissed her nose."Is a shame.You should be told you're beautiful every day.Because every day it's true, and every time i see you ,you grow in your beauty.Just because people don't say the words, doesn't mean its any less true,Kace.”
Rachel Van Dyken
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“Sometimes,when life gets hard, and people make you angry or even when you're scared, the best response is laughter.Laugh in the face of fear, in the face of what scares you the most.It's the only way to get you through the things that bring you to tears.”
Rachel Van Dyken
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“There was a cliff,snow, and I'm pretty sure Benadryl was involved."" Always is." Jake shook his head.”
Rachel Van Dyken
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“It's not a fear.Kacey drank her wine faster."It's a scary movie!" "It's Alice in Wonderland.”
Rachel Van Dyken
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“He kissed her like he was going off to war. And she kissed him back like it was true.”
Rachel Van Dyken
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“What do you do when you're drowning but the only way to be free is to hold on to the one thing in all the world you're afraid won't be able to keep both os you afloat?”
Rachel Van Dyken
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“ When you have lost your way, when the world appears as if it iscrumbling around you, perhaps, just maybe, you should close your eyes.By looking outward we forget the strength that is given inward. We canonly see part of the picture with our eyes open. But, when they are closed,we see as a whole. We concentrate not on what we can see, but on the faithof what we know to be true." - WHISPERED MUSIC”
Rachel Van Dyken
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“Being with Demetri wasn’t the absence of pain, it was the added presence of peace, making it easier and easier for that little part of my heart to heal again.--From Pull: A Seaside Novel”
Rachel Van Dyken
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