Raditya Dika is an Indonesian comedy writer. His first book was a collection of his humorous blog entries, entitled Kambingjantan: Catatan Harian Pelajar Bodoh (Malegoat: Diary of a Stupid Student).
His second book chronicles his unbeliavebly jinxed love life, entitled Cinta Brontosaurus (Brontosaurus Love). Published a year following the success of his previous work. His latest books, bearing the title Radikus Makankakus: Bukan Binatang Biasa (Radikus Makankakus: Not Your Ordinary Animal) & Babi Ngesot (Sliding Pig) follows the tone of his previous works.
All of his books targets the stupidity and self-depreciating ridiculousness of a boy trying to get to adulthood, along with the absurdity of everyday life.
Currently he's working as director and editor-in-chief Bukune Publishing House.