Radu Tudoran photo

Radu Tudoran

He was born in Blejoi, Prahova County, Romania, at 8 March 1910, his real name Nicolae Bogza, being the brother of Geo Bogza. His manifested strong nostalgia for traveling on the seas, he probably inherited from his father, Alexandru Bogza, clerk of the commercial marine.

After he finishes the Military High school from Manastirea Dealu in 1930 and, than, the Military School from Sibiu in 1932, he works for 6 years (1932-1938), as an Officer of Romanian Army.

He gives up to his military career in 1938, year in which he makes his debut with a story in the “Lumea Româ

neasca” (“Romanian World”) magazine, led by Zaharia Stancu. There is an obvious connection between his resignation from army and his first literary successes. In the same year, he changes his name from Nicolae Bogza to Radu Tudoran, to not suggest any connection to his brother Geo Bogza (famous Romanian writer).

In 1940 he publishes his first book, volume of short stories “Orasul cu fete sarace” (“The city with poor girls”). In the following year, 1941, he publishes the novel “Un port la rasarit” (“The port from the east”), novel that was noted by the critics with a big delay and, than, from politic reasons, was passed in a shadow corner of oblivion.

While his brother Geo Bogza managed to survive in the turbulent years 1945-1947, being a left side militant, Radu Tudoran more honest and less skilful, wrote articles in which he criticized, on equal sides, the right extremism, but also the politics of Soviet Union.

In the same cloudy period for Romania, 1945-1947, he continued to write and publish, he raised money, established in Braila, and he built a ship that he planned to travel the world.

Suddenly, at the end of the year 1947, when the control of soviets over Romania became totally, Radu Tudoran, was passed quickly in anonymity .

Still, he wasn’t undergone neither to persecutions and neither The Security raids or jail. Being in this cone of shadow of disgrace, he chooses translations, especially from Russian and Soviets authors, as a way of maintaining his contact with literature and as a way of living.

He comes back on the literature scene with a harmless novel for young people “Toate panzele sus!” (“All sails up!”) in 1945, which becomes instantly a big success for all age’s audiences, lighting the imagination of millions of young Romanian people for a couple of generations. The novel, written with a huge amount of narrative and descriptive talent, is strong influenced by author’s passion for adventure. He describes the journey that Radu Tudoran wasn’t able to do in 1948, although his ship, his own schooner “Speranta” (“Hope”), was built and was waiting for him to leave in the port area of Braila. His model was the navigator Joshua Slocum, whom he wanted to leave around the world.

Radu Tudoran always lived withdrawn, until the end of his life, but he published every time only best-sellers. In 1977, the total number of copies of his books – each was almost re-edited many times – exceeded 1 500 000 of edited copies. With the money from his novels, the writer built a new shipment for trips, smaller than his first ship, because this one was destined for less bold trips.

His most ambitious project was the 7 novels cycle “Sfarsit de mileniu” (“End of Milenium”), a complex fresco of the Romanian society of the 20th Century. In his last year of living, he was working on the 7th novel “Sub zero grade” (“Under zero degrees”), in which he talked about the Soviet occupation from 1944 until 1953.

He died in the morning of 18 November 1992, at Fundeni hospital, from an artery disease. His brother Geo Bogza, died a year later.

“Doar o data spuse, ca o surpriza manifestata tarziu si aproape cu ciuda: - M-am uitat la tine, de departe, cand ieseam din apa. Esti cea mai frumoasa femeie de pe plaja.- Nu sunt prea multe.- Ba nu! Chiar daca s-ar face un import de cateva mii - cine stie de unde? -, n-ar fi treaba usoara! - distanta de la medie pana la tine e mult prea mare ca sa te poata egala vreuna.El relua, cu o ingrijorare teoretica: - Trebuie sa ma port mai atent cu tine. Cateodata uit ca nu se face sa fii aruncata. Nu, zau, ar fi grozav de multi barbati care ar dori sa-mi ia locul. Tu nu te miri ca ma preferi pe mine?”
Radu Tudoran
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“- De ce razi?- Fiindca sunt proasta si fiindca innebunesc dupa fiecare cuvant al tau! Boala pe care o dai tu nu se vindeca niciodata. Si febra ta tine tot timpul. Vrei sa mai stii si altceva? M-ai aruncat in drum si te-ai intors dupa doi ani, si sunt innebunita dupa tine. Si daca ai sa ma arunci si ai sa te intorci dupa o suta de ani, tot am sa te urmez. Mor dupa tine si te urasc, si astept sa-mi faci ceva rau. (Parca era beata. Isi duse mana la frunte, razand.) O, nu! Sa nu te iei dupa mine. Nu vreau sa sufar din nou! Lasa-ma sa ma intremez!”
Radu Tudoran
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“Il asocia la exaltarea ei din egoismul inconstient al oamenilor fericiti.”
Radu Tudoran
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“- N-ai dormit?- Nu.- Ce-ai făcut?- Te-am iubit.”
Radu Tudoran
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“- Ce aştepţi de la mine?- Pe tine!”
Radu Tudoran
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“Primul ceai, prima sărutare, prima întâmplare de dragoste, toate sunt la fel: nu poţi niciodată să le simţi gustul.”
Radu Tudoran
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“El mi-a dat tot ce a avut, dintr-o dată, şi când inima i s-a golit, a plecat. E un risipitor.”
Radu Tudoran
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“Mă amăgesc. Poate toată viaţa n-am făcut decât să mă amăgesc. Şi tu ai să fii cea mai grea amăgire a mea.”
Radu Tudoran
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“Ce-i cu ochii tăi? Parcă ard! O să fie o zi când ai să te uiţi aşa în ochii altui bărbat?”
Radu Tudoran
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“Îi umpluse viaţa cu amintiri zgomotoase, şi acum trăia sub teroarea lor.”
Radu Tudoran
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“Dragostea noastră merge cu trenul, din gară în gară, şi dacă trenul nu se va opri, dragostea noastră va înconjura Pământul pe un alt Ecuator, al nostru!”
Radu Tudoran
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“Glumea, ca intotdeauna lua uşor vorbele ei cele mai grave, nu credea în ele, nu credea în nimic.”
Radu Tudoran
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“Nu avusese arme să lupte cu el- n-avea arme să lupte cu nimeni.”
Radu Tudoran
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“Am pierdut tot o dată cu plecarea ta, dar m-am păstrat pe mine.”
Radu Tudoran
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“Tine-ma aici cat vrei,si cand nu ma mai vrei,spune-mi sa ma duc”
Radu Tudoran
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