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Rafael Alberti

Rafael Alberti Merello (December 16, 1902 - October 28, 1999) was a Spanish poet, a member of the Generation of '27. Alberti published his first books of poetry towards the end of the 1920s: Marinero en tierra ('Sailor on Dry Land', 1925), La Amante ('The Mistress', 1926) and El alba del alhelí ('The Dawn of the Wallflower', 1927). This early work fell broadly into the Cancionero tradition, though from a markedly avant-garde perspective.

After falling in with the other members of the Generation of '27, Alberti began to show the profound influence of Luis de Góngora on his work, most obviously in Cal y canto ('Quicklime and Plainsong', 1929). It was, however, the introspective surrealism of Sobre los ángeles ('Concerning the Angels', 1929), whose tone was perhaps anticipated by some of the more sombre moments of Cal y canto, that established Alberti as a mature poet. Sobre los ángeles is widely considered to be Alberti's best work.

“NOTICIARIO DE UN COLEGIAL MELANCÓLICONOMINATIVO: la nieveGENITIVO: de la nieveDATIVO: a o para la nieveACUSATIVO: a la nieveVOCATIVO: ¡oh la nieve!ABLATIVO: con la nievede la nieveen la nievepor la nievesin la nievesobre la nievetras la nieveLa luna tras la nieveY estos pronombres personales extraviados por el ríoy esta conjugación tristísima perdida entre los árbolesBUSTER KEATON”
Rafael Alberti
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