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Rafael Garcia

“..:The reason that you are different and don't fit-in, is because you are destined for greatness and something very special. So don't get discourage and quit trying to fit-in. Just embrace who you are, where you are, and what you are. Make the best of it. Appreciate every minute and every second of your life. You are one of a kind. You are a special edition. And only those who will appreciate you, will be the ones that come aroud you:..”
Rafael Garcia
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“..:Second chances in life don't come the way we want them nor desire. But we gotta be able to identify them, embrace them, and enjoy them:..”
Rafael Garcia
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“..:Don't be sorry if things don't work out after giving it your very best time after time. Be sorry that you didn't even try at all and is still complaining about it:..”
Rafael Garcia
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“..:Being a good kid in a bad circumstance, quite an experience. Infact, bad things happened to good people. Yet, what's of importance and of much value, is the way we react, behave, think and how we use such circumstances. Jut remember, in school, they teach you the lessons first then they give you the tests. Life gives you the tests first, for you to learn the lessons later. Learn to learn the lessons you need now. And don't be afraid to clean up the closet every now and then in order to have room for the new you are to bring in:..”
Rafael Garcia
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“..:It's in the hardest situations that we truly get to learn and understand and appreciate life more. It's there that we get to value what we have and what we once had and lost. No doubt.Sometimes we have to hit rock bottom in order to open our eyes and truly see what life has to offer. Specially of how bless we are on having such a geat and mercyful God. A God that having all the right to judge us and condemm us, He chooses to forgive us and grant us new opportunities. New beginnings.It's amazing the things we go through in order to become better human beings. More humble, more mercyful and more compassionate:..”
Rafael Garcia
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“..:A brand new pair of shoes feels bit tight. We have to constantly use them in order to loose them up and mold them according to our feet. When we firtst start to take baby steps to greatness, it will feel weird, ackward and funny. It might feel uncomfortable at first but if you stick to it and decipline yourself, with time, you'll not be the same. You'll be a brand new and better person. But you have to stay committed and be decipline. You have to be willing to change, and pay the price. You have got to stay possitive even in the midst of adversiry. Commit yourself to whatever you decide to do and don't quit. And in no time, you'll be where you want to be and be who you want to be:..”
Rafael Garcia
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“..:Age is not an enemy. Age brings forth widom, character, values and integrity. It all depends on how you welcome it, see it and persive it. It all depends on how much you are willing to learn. Being coachable and having the right attitude, will deffenetly take you places that you never even dream of. Age can help you grow weaker or a lot stronger:..”
Rafael Garcia
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“..:At times, with or without knowing, we awake something or some things in people that could be either a blessing or a burden. We are to be very careful on the way we do and express things. We are to have a clear concience and right motives at all times. Using one's gifts and talents for one's own benefit and profit at the expence of others, is worthless and a sin of some kind:..”
Rafael Garcia
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“..Exchanging one's dreams and goals, character, and values, principles and integrity for something else, would be like swapping gold for silver:..”
Rafael Garcia
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“..:Even the pros fall and get wounded. True ones won't hide nor be ashame of their wounds and scars. They'll show them and look back at them as a reminder that, what at one point seem impossible, was possible when activating that one major task, the first step. True pros will show their wounds and scars as a motivation and inspiration to others along tre way:..”
Rafael Garcia
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“..:Waiting is a process that brings forth great virtues. Hard task, yet, great reward:..”
Rafael Garcia
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“If you are to live in this world, then you must be willing to actively participate in life." You cannot just be an expectator. You cannot just be sitting down at the bleachers and comtemplate the game and expect to win. You are to step out of your comfortable zone. You are to participate and do your very best. Remember, "Every pro was once an amateur. Every expert was once a beginner." And every beginner once decided to step down from the bleachers and start participating. Build a solid foundation for your life. Stay rooted in the Word. Don't let the holy things become common. Be disciplined and be committed. Sacrifice what you are to sacrifice in order to succeed. But never ever your values, integrity, character, and principles. Never give up nor give in.Be aware that people will hate you on your way up. People will rate you. They'll will shake you and try to bring you down. "But how strong you stand, is what makes you."Choose to live by choice not by chance.Be motivated and not manipulated. BE useful not used. Make changes and not excuses. Aim to excel not to compete. Choose self-esteem, not self pitty.Choose to listen to your inner voice, (which is GOd's word whispering to you) not to the random opinions of others. And finally, choose to live for yourself and not to please others. Word of advice, "make your goals so big, that your everyday problems seem insignificant."Have a bless day”
Rafael Garcia
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“..:There's a difference between knowing what to expect and getting used to things when being in the wilderness for too long. Getting to used to things will keep you from moving forward. Will paralize you and force you to work and think NOT. Knowing what to expect simply means, you been there already and have learned how to handle such situations. You are a step ahead of the game. You know what worked before and what didn't. You now have experience under your belt. You didn't give up nor took challenges as defeat but rather, as stepping stones:..”
Rafael Garcia
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“..:"Do not let your adornment be merely outward-arranging the hair, wearing gold, or putting on fine apparel.Rather, let it be the hidden person of the heart, with the incorruptible beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit, which is very precious in the sight of God." Let it be our inner person be the one in a constant change and in a constant renewing process. For what's inside of us will eventually come out sooner or later. Our outward apperance is just that, outward apperance. One cannot be define by what one wears or pretends to be. But one is truly define by its true values, charcter, integrity and personality. What's is really important and of true value, lies within ourselves. Let us dress it and adorned it with the finest of knowledge and wisdom:..”
Rafael Garcia
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“..:The greatest treasures, are burried in the cemeteries. Untold stories. Undeveloped programs, quotes, notes, books, inventions, antidotes that could of saved so many lives and so for. Don't become one more of this statistics and share what you can to make this a better world to live in:..”
Rafael Garcia
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“..:Intimidation keeps us from enjoying life to its fullest. Procrastination keeps us from developing our skills. Fear paralizes us and keeps us from trying. And renewing our minds is the start line to break free from all of this. Remember, if we dare, "We can do all things through Christ who strenghtens us.":..”
Rafael Garcia
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“..:One can lose his job, his car, his house, his savings, his/her wife/husband and so for. And one can still manage to be able to start all over again. To overcome. But its dangerous and catastrophic when one loses his/her faith, hope and mind. When one enters into deep depression. For it could really destroy a person completely or it may take him/her twice as much work to get back up. This is why we are to constantly be renewing our minds. To keep putting oil to our fading lamps. Watering our drying lands. Repositioning ourselves now and then. And specially, helping each other out. It's not good for men to be alone. Two are better than one. For if one falls, the other will help him out. Before bad times come, prepare yourself. Equip yourself. Renew yourself so you could use the circumstances as wind beneath your wings and so you could see circumstances as what they are. Not what they may seem. Someone once said, "Circumstances and trials are just events." They are not people nor your final destination:..”
Rafael Garcia
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“..:Becareful how you live. Be mindful of your steps. Be careful what you see and hear. Be mindful that what you constantly feed, will eventually grow:..”
Rafael Garcia
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“..:Life's hardest battles hits us all. @ different places and stages. Yet, at the end, those who win are the ones who think they can and try:..”
Rafael Garcia
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“..:God's favor could bring controversy among His people when they lack understanding. His grace over you, could be someone elses burden due to envy;..”
Rafael Garcia
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“..:The gifts and talents that at times seem a heavy burden to you, are the very things that the Lord will use to promote you and introduce you to your destiny. They will keep you there but you must never forget that is He whom grants you the abilities and favor. Stay humble:..”
Rafael Garcia
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“..:We might get knocked down, but we must get back up again and again and continue fighting. Fight as if your life depends on it. Never give up. Never backdown. Remember that quitters never win and winners never quit:..”
Rafael Garcia
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“No doubt that life is hard, yet it's precious when one learns to see it with the eyes of the heart and with the eyes of the soul.”
Rafael Garcia
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“..:Hearts all wounded and not enough bandaids… Lots of pain and lonelyness… Yet, Your very Presence and peace, helps us forget of all the aching and lonelyness. It reminds us that You are always there with us. Your very presence, the source of our lives:..”
Rafael Garcia
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“..:‎When the oasis is drying up, the heart is challenge to adapt… It's challenge to keep doing what's right and not what seems right:..”
Rafael Garcia
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“‎..:There's a movie being recorded every day where the main character is you. As they say " all eyes on me". Difference is, is ur story, ur life, so, "all eyes on you." You are required to do and give your best at all times. Regardless what life throws at you... For at the end of the day, you'll be the one people are gonna be talking about. Most importantly, you are the one who is to face the Eternal One. The Director. You decide whether you do a great job and influce others with your performance here on earth. You decide if your movie will be seen and talked about for generations to come. Leave a great inspiring movie. Leave behind a great legacy... Have a great day:..”
Rafael Garcia
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“..:The freedom to express is a gift. Never to be taken for granted but forever to be terish and use properly:..”
Rafael Garcia
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“..: When the darkest hours and days come, one should always remember that they only come to grant us wisdom, knowledge and new opportunities for our lives… They only come to preprare us for the new levels we are to be promoted to... One must always remeber and keep in mind that It is only when one suffers that one can truly meet God as our comforter…It is when one seems to have come to the end of one's hope that one sees and experience the fullness of God in extremely new ways…It is then that one realizes that one can no longer rely on one's own self and that one must trust solely in God, who possesses the power to raise the dead. The dead dreams, passions, desires, goals and the broken families…Have a great day:..-R.G-”
Rafael Garcia
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“‎..:What you feed yourself with, will eventually grow.Whether be good or bad, it will grow.It will affect your entire mood, enviroment, and the way of thinking... Most of all, it will affect your entire outcome of your today. (Not to mention your tomorrow)"You will only get in life what you only put in…" Or not… Is essential we RENEW OUR MINDS and be very careful with what we feed ourselves with… Have a great day y'all:..-R.G-”
Rafael Garcia
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“‎..:When we don't have the have the right mindset, we only see a dim and blurry picture of things. It is as if we were staring into a polished metal:..-R.G-”
Rafael Garcia
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“‎..:Knowing what needs to be done is not enough. We are to get up and act upon those things and make the changes necessary in order to succeed in life:..-R.G-”
Rafael Garcia
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“‎..:We must play with the hand God deals us. Not look for a new deck.We could bluff or draw, but we can't cheat. 'Coz if we are to cheat, we are only cheating ourselves and those around us. And that could affect our entire outcome. Our Divine Destiny:.-R.G-”
Rafael Garcia
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“..:It is important that we excercise the gifts we have been given. It's important that we develop and live in constant discipline.Do not wrapp yourselves in this world and its bankrupt values. Live in constant renewal and transformation of your minds.Do not allow this world and mediocrity mold you in its own image.Instead, be transformed from the inside out by always renewing your mind.By doing so, you will not only master your minds, but you will have a better access to identifying your gifts and talents and make a better use of them…And with that in mind, you will not only be bless yourself,But you'll be able to bless many along the way:.”
Rafael Garcia
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“..:One moment can change a life for ever.One mistake can kill many.One gesture of love and kindness,Can make a heart rejoice.And one word from the heart,Can impact thousands of lives for generations to come:..”
Rafael Garcia
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“..:Seek wisdom about the good life, yet, remain innocent when it comes to evil… Pursue a life that creates peace and builds up our brothers and sisters…Seek not your own rewards nor benefits by doing so… For what good would there be in doing this???\Welcome all people, whether weak in faith or spirit without debaiting and disputing their opinions… Build them up… Get rid off umpleasant old memories and negative habits… It's time to clean up and renew your mind set… It's time to start flying high once again or for the very first time…The view at the top its a lot better, yet, the in between process is what makes it sweeter and a lot better if we truly learn while at it…Remember, what you are constantly thinking of, that, you will eventually will become… Have a great and awesome day…<> Preach and reach where no one else has before nor dares to go… Make the difference today… But most importantly, live what you preach and preach what you live:..”
Rafael Garcia
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“..:The heart can feel and see what the eye cannot see nor feel..We don't need hands in order to hold someone else's heart nor eyes to know what we can persive in the spirit and deep inside our hearts…So, lets give someone a chance:..”
Rafael Garcia
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“‎..:"The trouble that comes to your life, doesn't come to break you, it comes to introduce you to your God in a new and fresh way."Every storm comes into our lives to teach us somethings. Whether be humbleness, patience, perseverance, or character, it always comes to teach us something. Its not the circumstances nor storms that are the promblem, is the way we see and persive things. It's how we react to each and every one of them that defines us and influences in our growth.That's why it is so important that we renew our minds constantly 'coz by doing so we'll be able to see things as they are, not as they might seem.If we renew our minds, we have a better chance at seeing the opportunities hidden within each storm… Within each circumstance…Have a bless day:..”
Rafael Garcia
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“..:Sometimes we get attached to people or things.And those very things or people,Are the very things that are keeping us from moving Forward to our Divine Destiny and Purpose:..”
Rafael Garcia
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“..:One must have dreams and goals. One must aspire to greatness.One must not be content with just the crumbs of life:..”
Rafael Garcia
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