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Rafael Yglesias

“A hand landed on his ass and urged him on and there was no wall, there were no obstacles, there was only the sea of Margaret, the hot bath of her enveloping love. She put her lips to his ear and whispered warm while cool hands pressed his back and steered him all the way into her. ‘You’ll never get away. You’ll move in with me, we’ll get married, we’ll have children. You’ll be here forever,’ she whispered, and in the ocean of her being, he let go of the frightened air trapped in his heart, he exhaled the despair of his soul and he thought with glee: I’m home! I’m home! Thank God, I’m home!”
Rafael Yglesias
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“... and that did it. That brought those depthless blue eyes within a foot, perhaps six inches, maybe even closer, and something happened inside Enrique, like a guitar string suddenly unstrung. There was a shock and a vibration in his heart, a palpable break inside the cavity of his chest. He had dropped out of high school and never took a class in anatomy, but he did know that the cardiovascular system wasn't supposed to react as if it were the source and center of feeling. And yet he would have sworn to all and sundry - not that he expected to admit it to anyone - that Margaret, or at least her bright blue eyes, had just snapped his brittle heart.”
Rafael Yglesias
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“Perhaps they assumed that he would have a hard time putting her first. Perhaps they had not understood that for a long time she had come first with him, that for many years she had been his heart's home and his mind's anchor and that fighting to keep her alive was essential to preserving his own soul.”
Rafael Yglesias
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“Re: Central ParkBut the height proved the awesome truth that the park was made by man: nature re-created where it had been killed.”
Rafael Yglesias
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“And into its bland merciless face what did he have to show as his proof that he deserved to live? - Nothing but that he was afraid to die.”
Rafael Yglesias
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