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Raine Miller

Raine Miller has been reading romance novels since she picked up that first Barbara Cartland book at the tender age of thirteen. And it's a safe bet she'll never stop, because now she writes them too! Granted Raine's stories are edgy enough to turn Ms. Cartland in her grave, but to her way of thinking, a hot, sexy hero never goes out of fashion. A former teacher, she's now writing sexy romance stories full time. She has a handsome prince of a husband, two brilliant sons, and two bouncy Italian Greyhounds to pull her back into the real world if the writing takes her too far away. Her sons know she likes to write stories, but gratefully have never asked to read any, thank God! Raine loves to hear from readers and to chat about the characters in her books. You can contact her at [email protected] or visit www.RaineMiller.com to sign up for updates and her newsletter with links to upcoming books. Join us on Facebook at the Raine Miller Romance Readers group here: https://www.facebook.com/groups/raine...

“Eres mi rayo de luz en una niebla de ignorancia y frustración”
Raine Miller
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“—. Gracias por la oferta, Ethan, pero no puedo...—... decirte que no —me interrumpió—. Por eso iré a buscarte a la sesión de fotos mañana para ir a cenar. Has reconocido que me debes un favor y te lo estoy pidiendo ahora. Eso es lo que quiero, Brynne.”
Raine Miller
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“The mind can imagine terrors far more horrific than you could ever physically bear, just like the mind will tune out those physical hurts when the pain surpasses what your body can endure.”
Raine Miller
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“Crazy people never seem to get better, so everyone needs to know what could be a potential problem down the line.”
Raine Miller
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“I know, sweetie. But I’ve seen you with him. I’ve seen how he looks at you. Maybe this is the big one. You won’t know unless you try.” She touched my face. “I’m happy for you, and I think you’ve got to go with a little leap of faith here. So far Mr. Blackstone is on my good list. If that should change or if he hurts one smooth hair on your innocent head, then his pretty-boy balls are gonna be transformed into a set of Klik-Klaks. And please tell him I said that.”
Raine Miller
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“El compro mi fotografia y poseyo mi alma”
Raine Miller
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“Why am I doing this, Brynne?” he demanded.“I don’t know, Ethan.” I could barely speak."“Yes you do. Say it, Brynne!” I tensed as an orgasm started to rule me but he immediately reduced the pace, taking it down a notch with slow pulls in and out of my spread sex.“Say what?” I cried, frustrated.“Say the words I have to hear. Say the truth and I’ll let you come.” He speared into me slower and nipped at my bare shoulder with his teeth.“What is the truth?” I was starting to sob now, completely at his mercy.“The truth is,” he grunted the rest on three, hard, punctuating thrusts, “You. Are. Mine!”I inhaled on a cry at the final thrust.He sped up again, fucking faster. “Say it!” he growled.“I’m yours, Ethan!”
Raine Miller
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“Life was complicated enough without borrowing trouble.”
Raine Miller
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“No. No quiero que te vayas todavía. Me gusta tenerte aquí conmigo. Me tranquilizas, nena. Eres mi rayo de luz en una niebla de ignorancia y frustración. --Ethan--”
Raine Miller
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“I want to be with you so badly right now. i want to take you home with me, and put you in my bed and have hours and hours with your body wrapped up in mine and to do with as I wish. I want to have you in the morning so when we wake up I can make you come, saying my name...I want to watch some crap TV show and have you fall asleep against me on the couch so I can watch you and hear you breathing”
Raine Miller
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“How did you learn to cock so well?” I sputtered, “I mean cook!”She rolled her eyes and shook her head. I gave her a grin and a wink. “You do both so well, baby, my cock and the cooking part.-Ethan”
Raine Miller
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“You said you were all in.”“I am. With you, Brynne, I am, and I have been from the very start.”
Raine Miller
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“I knew I had found my angel at last and I would hold onto her with everything I had.”
Raine Miller
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“I have no intentions of letting you go.” I swallowed hard. “If you come with me you’re signing on for all of me, Brynne. I don’t know any other way to be with you. It’s all in for me. And I want it to be all in for you too.”
Raine Miller
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“Oh, we’re well past you being just a date, my beauty.” He leaned in, his lips at my ear. “When we fucked in my bed you passed into uncharted territory – trust me on that one.”
Raine Miller
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“I loomed over her face with mine, gripping her eyes with mine, owning her boy with mine. I saw only her.I felt only her. I heard only her”
Raine Miller
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“And even if you hate me for what I did, I'll still love you. If you won't see me, I'll still love you. I'll still love you because you are mine. Mine, Brynne. In my heart you are, and nobody can take that away from me. Not even you. E”
Raine Miller
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“Then I drove over to get my snaked-haired, sharp-tongued, unpredictable, and very perplexing girlfriend, like the besotted sap that I very much was.”
Raine Miller
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“(...)Clarkson fue a ayudar a Brynne y Marie en la cocina mientras Gabrielle y Elaina parecían hacerse buenas amigas hablando de libros— especialmente uno muy popular sobre un multimillonario muy joven y su obsesión con una mujer aún más joven... y el sexo. Habían montón de escenas de sexo eróticas en el libro, aparentemente en cada página.Neil y yo nos miramos con simpatía el uno al otro, y no tuvimos absolutamente nada que añadir a la conversación. Es decir decir, ¿quién lee esta basura? ¿Quién tiene tiempo? ¿Por qué incluso leer sobre sexo en un libro cuando se puede tenerlo en la vida real? No lo entiendo.”
Raine Miller
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“Brynne, I'm looking because I can't keep my eyes off you. I want to be in you. I want to fuck you so badly I can hardly drive the damn car right now. I want to come inside you and then do it again. I want your sweet cunt wrapped around my cock while you scream my name because I made you come. I want to keep you with me all fucking night long so I can take you over and over again and you don't remember anything else but me.”
Raine Miller
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“‎Only a bastard would want to take her to bed and get her naked right now. Ergo, I was such a dirty bastard." --Ethan”
Raine Miller
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“Él inclino su cabeza y habló suavemente —: Quiero estar contigo en estos malos momentos. Quiero llevarte a casa conmigo y tenderte en mi cama y tener horas y horas tu cuerpo envuelto en el mío y hacerte todo lo que o quiera. Quiero tenerte ahí en la mañana, así cuando despertemos puedo hacerte venir diciendo mi nombre. Quiero manejar hasta tu trabajo y recogerte cuando termines tu turno. Quiero ir a las tiendas contigo y comprar comida que podamos cocinar para la cena. Quiero ver un programa tonto de televisión y tenerte cayendo dormida en mi pecho, así podría verte y oír tu respiración.”
Raine Miller
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“—No es muy comunicativo, Sr. Blackstone.—Si te dijera más, tendría que matarte, y eso rompería mi promesa.—¿Qué promesa? —pregunté inocentemente.—De que no soy un asesino serial.”
Raine Miller
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