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Rakesh Sethi

In the 1980s, Rakesh graduated from UC-Berkeley with a Bachelor of Science degree with courses in pre-med, engineering, and computer science. After working hard to put himself through college, he landed a good job at Hewlett-Packard. Suddenly, he had money for the extras. He moved up the career ladder—and then got caught up in the rat race, in status, and in buying material things.

But he wasn’t happy. All he had was not enough. He started to question his life and his purpose. His spirit yearned for something more, something different. In 1987, he started reading the Vedic scientific philosophies and other scientific, spiritual, and philosophical books. In particular, the Tao of Physics resonated with him because it presents a scientific way to understand our nature from both a philosophical and physics standpoint. This insight, combined from philosophy and science, connected the dots for Rakesh—it helped him understand his purpose and his responsibility as a human being.

And he learned that health and happiness lead to true wellness.

Rakesh has always been interested in both the life sciences and the material sciences. The Ayurvedic medical system, a branch of Vedic philosophy, brings these together in a way that makes a lot of sense. Ayurveda is a health-management approach that encourages mind-body wellness rather than a disease-management approach that treats illness. (In Sanskrit, Ayur means life, and Veda means science.)

Rakesh is a Wellness Author, Speaker, and Certified Ayurvedic Health Practitioner in California. Cruising Through Turbulence is his first book, and he is currently working on his second book Health + Happiness = Wellness: The Wellness Manual You Should Have Been Born With.

Visit Rakesh at www.PromoteHealthWellness.com

“We look for happiness in every other thing and being around us. We live in an “if and then” model of happiness. If that happens, then I will be happy. This list of “if and then” never finishes, and we continue through our entire life learning how to be unhappy.”
Rakesh Sethi
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