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Ralph B. Alexander

Ralph B. Alexander, a science writer who puts science above political correctness, is the author of "Science Under Attack: The Age of Unreason" (Algora Publishing, 2018) and "Global Warming False Alarm" (self-published, 2nd edition, 2012). With a PhD in physics from the University of Oxford, he has also authored numerous scientific research papers and reports on complex technical issues. Dr. Alexander has been a researcher at laboratories in Europe and Australia, a professor at Wayne State University in Detroit, the co-founder of an entrepreneurial materials company, and a market analyst in environmentally friendly materials for a small consulting firm. He grew up in Perth, Western Australia and currently lives in California with his wife, Claudia

“Climate alarmists insist that the apparently missing heat (from CO2 warming)is hiding in the deep ocean -- which is like telling a child Santa Claus lives at the North Pole, as deep ocean heat can't be measured.-- Ralph B. Alexander, Letter to The Oregonian, January 28, 2013”
Ralph B. Alexander
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“The link between extreme weather and global warming has as much scientific basis as the pagan rite of human sacrifice to ensure a good harvest."--Extreme Weather & Superstition, New York Post, December 10, 2012”
Ralph B. Alexander
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