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Ralph Keyes

“Serious writers write, inspired or not. Over time they discover that routine is a better friend than inspiration.”
Ralph Keyes
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“...fear and courage are like lightning and thunder; they both sart out at the same time, but the fear travels faster and arrives sooner. If we just wait a moment, the requisite courage will be along shortly.”
Ralph Keyes
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“One of the most fundamental of human fears is that our existence will go unnoticed.”
Ralph Keyes
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“Fear is felt by writers at every level. Anxiety accompanies the first word they put on paper and the last.”
Ralph Keyes
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“Willa Cather said that she write best when she stopped trying to write and began simply to remember.”
Ralph Keyes
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“...wrote Lawrence Block. "Someone once told me that fear and courage are like lightning and thunder; they both start out at the same time, but the fear travels faster and arrives sooner. If we just wait a moment, the requisite courage will be along shortly." (quoted from Write for Your Live by Lawrence Block)”
Ralph Keyes
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