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Randy Attwood

I grew up on the grounds of a Kansas insane asylum where my father was a dentist. I attended the University of Kansas during the troubled 1960s getting a degree in art history. After stints writing and teaching in Italy and Japan I had a 16-year career in newspapers as reporter, editor and column writer winning major awards in all categories. I turned to health care public relations serving as director of University Relations at KU Medical Center. I finished my career as media relations officer of The Nelson-Atkins Museum of Art. Now retired, I am marketing the fiction I've written over all those years. And creating more.

“Blessed be the stone masons, for they shall lay bricks of gold on the streets of heaven for their wives to walk upon. Blessed are the sowers and harvesters, for they shall live again in the Garden of Eden. Blessed are the bartenders, for Jesus will serve them. Blessed are the prostitutes, for Jesus will embrace them. Woe unto the pastors who preach hate, for they shall live in eternal hate. Woe unto the pastors who become brutes, for their flocks shall be scattered. Woe unto the Inquisitors, for Jesus will inquire unto them.”
Randy Attwood
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“...the way is the healer's way: do no harm.”
Randy Attwood
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“Woe! Woe! Woe!"Woe be unto the pastors that destroy and scatter the sheep of His pasture!"Woe to him that buildeth a town with blood and by iniquity!"Woe unto you that are rich! For ye have received your consolation!"Woe to the pastors who are brutish and have not sought the Lord!"Woe to the Inquisitors, for Jesus will inquire unto them!"Blessed are the faggots, for their voices will be an angel's choir."Blessed is my sister, Lila, for heaven is within her."Blessed are the rabble, for they shall know God."But woe upon you, for the evil of your own doings shall be visited upon you."Let my sister go!”
Randy Attwood
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“I am Christ as he was. He is not important; his way is important," Bobby answered."Tell us about the way," another Evangel in the crowd asked."Love is the way; hate is not the way."Kindness is the way. Humility is the way. Beauty is the way."Pride is not the way. Arrogance is not the way. Boasting is not the way."Giving is the way. Taking is not the way."Follow the way and it will lead you to God. Jesus is the way."The way is in each of you. You are your own master and savior.”
Randy Attwood
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“New beatitudes came from him [Bobby]: “Blessed are those who live in hovels, for God will give them palaces in heaven.”He gave them new commandments:“God weeps when anyone kills in his name; kill not.“God hates hate; hate not.“God loves love; love more.“You need not trust in God; you need hope that God will trust in you."You are your own master. The way is within you.”
Randy Attwood
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“On April 1, the Holy Spirit descended into the body of President Jerry Falwell I, who, it turned out, was in the last year of his life on this world, and God spoke. He wanted them to form God’s Church of the Evangels and he wanted all Americans to have a chance to convert to that true church. Those who did not would be an abomination to the Lord. All the leaders present recognized the voice of the Holy Spirit and fell to their knees and all instantly joined the newly -formed church. The Great Conversion had begun. Interestingly enough, April 1 used to be known as April Fool’s Day and people played practical jokes on each other , but of course it is now Jerry Falwell Day and the holiday is celebrated with praises to the Holy Spirit.”
Randy Attwood
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“The bass guitarist looked like he had been buried for ten years, had just been dug up, and was rather disappointed with the scene he saw around him and longed to be put back in his grave.”
Randy Attwood
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“His soul, it seemed to him, was more than empty. It was desiccated, reduced to the powder of its substance and now in danger of being blown away by the first puff of the dawn wind that presaged the sun.”
Randy Attwood
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“I was entering moods I knew were bad for me. Poetical moods.”
Randy Attwood
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“It’s just a stupid game,” my wife had always told me. How could I explain it was more than just a game...It was the celebration of a kind of mystery; the fusion of the mechanics of physics and the feeling of soul.”
Randy Attwood
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“And eighteen times this easy gesture, this stooping over with the tee between the fingers, the ball hidden, protected in the perspiring palm, the insertion into ground the wooden link to earth the ball would soon be contacting – all this, for me, had given the gesture a quality of sacredness.”
Randy Attwood
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