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Ransom Riggs

Hi, I'm Ransom, and I like to tell stories. Sometimes I tell them with words, sometimes with pictures, often with both. I grew up on a farm on the Eastern shore of Maryland and also in a little house by the beach in Englewood, Florida where I got very tan and swam every day until I became half fish. I started writing stories when I was young, on an old typewriter that jammed and longhand on legal pads. When I was a little older I got a camera for Christmas and became obsessed with photography, and when I was a little older still my friends and I came into possession of a half-broken video camera and began to make our own movies, starring ourselves, using our bedrooms and backyards for sets. I have loved writing stories and taking photographs and making movies ever since, and have endeavored to do all three.

“For his many sacrifices, he received only scorn and suspicion from those he loved.”
Ransom Riggs
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“I think they worried that my grandfather would infect me with some incurable dreaminess from which I’d never recover – that these fantasies were somehow inoculating me against more practical ambitions”
Ransom Riggs
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“Por suerte, nos habíamos refugiado en el lugar más perfumado de la isla.”
Ransom Riggs
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“Perdone señor, nos preguntábamos cuáles podrían ser sus intenciones, con respecto a comernos.”
Ransom Riggs
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“They worried that I spent too much time alone, clinging to the notion that socializing was therapeutic. So was electroshock, I reminded them.”
Ransom Riggs
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“Find the bird, find the loop, Yakob vai don't you understand you goddamned stupid yutzi”
Ransom Riggs
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“Millard! Who's the prime minister?""Winston Churchill," he said. "Have you gone daft?""What's the capital of Burma?""Lord, I've no idea. Rangoon?""Good! When's your birthday?""Will you quit shouting and let me bleed in peace!”
Ransom Riggs
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“Besides, there was the way she beamed at me, smiling with her whole self, and how a coy gesture like tucking her hair back could make me want to follow her, help her, do anything she asked. I was hopelessly outmatched.”
Ransom Riggs
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“If I had to shut my eyes it wouldn’t have been any darker. We were like astronauts floating in a starless universe.”
Ransom Riggs
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“...when I was fifteen, an extraordinary and terrible thing happened, and there was only Before and After.”
Ransom Riggs
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“It's easy to say you don't care about money when you have plenty of it.”
Ransom Riggs
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“ ‘You don’t strike me as a quitter.’ ‘Then you don’t know me very well,’ I replied.”
Ransom Riggs
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“I'd been born in the wrong century, and I felt cheated.”
Ransom Riggs
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“Everything in the world had already been discovered. I'd been born in the wrong century, and I felt cheated.”
Ransom Riggs
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“I emerged into the sticky-hot evening to find Ricky smoking on the hood of his battered car. Something about his mud-encrusted boots and the way he let smoke curl from his lips and how the sinking sun lit his green hair reminded me of a punk, redneck James Dean. He was all of those things, a bizarre cross-pollination of subcultures possible only in South Florida.”
Ransom Riggs
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“Weatherman says," Kev scoffed. "I wouldn't trust that silly bugger to know it's raining now.”
Ransom Riggs
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“I did love her, of course, but mostly because loving your mom is mandatory, not because she was someone I think I'd like very much if I met her walking down the street.”
Ransom Riggs
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“We cling to our fairy tales until the price for believing in them becomes too high.”
Ransom Riggs
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“Fictions, whoppers and paradiddles.”
Ransom Riggs
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“If I never went home, what exactly would I be missing? I pictured my cold cavernous house, my friendless town full of bad memories, the utterly unremarkable life that had been mapped out for me. It had never once occurred to me, I realized, to refuse it.”
Ransom Riggs
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“I discovered Emerson's soporific qualities by falling asleep with my face in the book, drooling all over an essay called 'Self-Reliance'...”
Ransom Riggs
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“Forgive me. I continue to underestimate the breadth of your ignorance.”
Ransom Riggs
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“I realized that leaving wouldn't be like I had imagined, like casting off a weight. Their memory was something tangible and heavy, and I would carry it with me.”
Ransom Riggs
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“..what an unchallenging life it would be if we always got things right on the first go.”
Ransom Riggs
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“Will you quit shouting and let me bleed in peace!”
Ransom Riggs
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“I didn’t know what to call it, what was happening between us, but I liked it. It felt silly and fragile and good.”
Ransom Riggs
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“Stars, too, were time travelers. How many of those ancient points of light were the last echoes of suns now dead? How many had been born but their light not yet come this far? If all the suns but ours collapsed tonight, how many lifetimes would it take us to realize we were alone? I had always known the sky was full of mysteries—but not until now had I realized how full of them the earth was.”
Ransom Riggs
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“You're right, Dad. Dr. Golan did help me. But that doesn't mean he has to control every aspect of my life. I mean, Jesus, you and mom might as well buy me one of those little bracelets that says, What Would Golan Do? That way I can ask myself before I do anything. Before I take a dump. How would Dr. Golan want me to take this dump? Should I bank it off the side or go straight down the middle? What would be the most psychologically beneficial dump I could take?”
Ransom Riggs
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“Right at the flamingo orgy! Left at the multiethnic roof Santas! Straight past the pissing cherubs!”
Ransom Riggs
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“I imagine we're killing ourselves right now in al manner of ways that'll seem insane to people in the future.”
Ransom Riggs
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“That's quite a performance you gave earlier [...] I'm sure the theater lost a fine actor when you chose to devote yourself to murder and cannibalism.”
Ransom Riggs
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“The last act was to infect me with nightmares and paranoid delusions that would take years of therapy and metabolism-wrecking medications to rout out.”
Ransom Riggs
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“How many times have I told you? Polite persons do not take supper in the nude.”
Ransom Riggs
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“They were orphans of war, washed up on that little island in a tide of blood. What made them amazing wasn't that they had miraculous powers; that they had escaped the ghettos and gas chamges was miracle enough.”
Ransom Riggs
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“Sometimes you just need to go through a door.”
Ransom Riggs
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“..."I could see tongues of dense fog licking over the ridge in the distance, where this world ended and the next one began, cold, damp, and sunless.”
Ransom Riggs
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“She moved to pinch me again but I blocked her hand. I'm no expert on girls, but when one tries to pinch you four times, I'm pretty sure that's flirting.”
Ransom Riggs
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“To have endured horrors, to have seen the worst of humanity and have your life made unrecognizable by it, to come out of all that honorable and brave— that was magical.”
Ransom Riggs
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“I don't mean to be rude' I said, 'but what are you people?''We're peculiar,' he replied, sounding a bit puzzled. 'Aren't you?;'I don't know. I don't think so''That's a shame.”
Ransom Riggs
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“I used to dream about escaping my ordinary life, but my life was never ordinary. I had simply failed to notice how extraordinary it was.”
Ransom Riggs
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“When someone won't let you in, eventually you stop knocking.”
Ransom Riggs
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“Oggie sat facing us in a threadbare blazer and pajama bottoms, as if he'd been expecting company--just not pants-worthy company-- . . .”
Ransom Riggs
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“I slammed out of the [house] and started walking, heading nowhere in particular. Sometimes you just need to go through a door.”
Ransom Riggs
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“I thought about how my great-grandparents had starved to death. I thought about their wasted bodies being fed to incinerators because people they didn’t know hated them. I thought about how the children who lived in this house had been burned up and blown apart because a pilot who didn’t care pushed a button. I thought about how my grandfather’s family had been taken from him and how because of that my dad grew up feeling like he didn’t have a dad. And how I had acute stress and nightmares and was sitting alone in a falling down house and crying hot stupid tears all over my shirt. All because of a seventy year old hurt that had somehow been passed down to me like some poisonous heirloom.”
Ransom Riggs
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“We were like astronauts floating through a starless universe.”
Ransom Riggs
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“Because we weren’t like other people. We were peculiar.”“Peculiar how?”“Oh, all sorts of ways,” he said. “There was a girl who could fly, a boy who had bees living inside him, a brother and sister who could lift boulders over their heads.”
Ransom Riggs
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“...so one day my mother sat me down and explained that I couldn't become an explorer because everything in the world had already been discovered. I'd been born in the wrong century, and I felt cheated.”
Ransom Riggs
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“I had just come to accept that my life would be ordinary when extraordinary things began to happen.”
Ransom Riggs
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“Their memory was something tangible and heavy, and I would carry it with me.”
Ransom Riggs
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“...slow and drunk is no match for fast and scared shitless.”
Ransom Riggs
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