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Raven Hart

Susan Goggins, the real name of Raven Hart, has been a newspaper reporter, a speechwriter for a K Street PR firm in Washington, D.C., and for most of her career, a technical writer.

Both The Vampire's Seduction and The Vampire's Secret were co-written by Virginia "Gin" Ellis and Susan Goggins. Gin passed away suddenly in January, 2006. Susan will continue the Savannah vampires series with The Vampire's Kiss.

“Most humans are unaware that amidst the Anne Rice devotees and the vampire wannabes, actual vampires use the Net.”
Raven Hart
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“For cripes sake, have you ever heard of 'Ready or not? Here I come'?"Retro or not, cheesy is cheesy."Sometimes what you learned from beer commercials comes in real handy.”
Raven Hart
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