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Ray Anyasi

Ray Anyasi is one of Africa's most published authors with over 25 books which include; Ujasiri, Bloodline and This Town: a postcard of terror and most recently, Africa's best selling epic fantasy thriller series, Sorrows of Udi. His writing influence is majorly the extraordinary stories of ordinary people who have to confront monstrous challenges they do not orchestrate, yet must overcome. His books like Ujasiri and Sorrows of Udi have been translated to international languages like Portuguese and Spanish. Sorrows of Udi have also been adapted into an animated web series which has made official selections for several international film festivals.

He is also a poet with a poetry collection, "Lines of Thoughts", that includes the acclaimed Ogbanje. Anyasi continues to partake in the global conversations that concerns political and social developments; his book, How to Terrorize Terrorism is one of such contributions. He is an award winning movie script writer. Ray is passionate about growing literacy around the world, especially in Africa, because of this; he founded #theWriteClubwithRayAnyasi which is a series of interviews with authors to introduce them to the reading audience under his influence. He is also the host of Life Lessons from My Bookshelf, a book review show on Youtube and IgTV which digs into books to share the most important life lessons hidden in them.

Fresh out of the University, Anyasi published his first book, A Poll of Vampires, a political crime thriller. Since then he has published over twenty titles. Anyasi is also a certified Copywriter and Content Developer. He is the founder of Bookhouse Nigeria, a not for profit enterprise focused on boosting literacy and the reading culture in Africa while helping authors make a living from their books and writing skills. Bookhouse Nigeria achieves this by organizing book exhibitions, writing workshops, book industry discussions, authors-readers social hangouts and literary awards. Ray is also the Chief Event Coordinator of Lagos Comic Convention (Africa's Biggest Geek and Pop Culture Marketplace) and he organizes the Ray Anyasi Writers' Mentoring Program to help new and intending authors navigate their writing careers. His current hobbies are tending a backyard vegetable garden and engaging fans of his craft on social media.

“Now it’s clear to me, I haven’t understood as well as I should, the cracks on the ground we stood. A blast ignited through ballot boxes by the choices of unsuspecting and innocent Nigerians has rippled across the country and has torn the curtain open to set the stage for these cracks to grow into magnified quakes now swallowing us up.” - Dami K.”
Ray Anyasi
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“…a man's value should be gauged by how much value he places on the entire concept of humanity.” - Dami K.”
Ray Anyasi
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“Our route had now obviously been completely blotted out and here I reckoned less of our chances of survival. We’re like a voyage ship veered off course by a ruthless storm now left with no radar or compass. Ours is a sorry tale of an unpredictable adventure. One moment it seem like we’re going home to mama’s warm embrace and tears of joy, the next moment we feel helplessly immersed in the blackness of hopelessness.” - Dami K.”
Ray Anyasi
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“I know it is a massive risk, I know. I could be killed. I have made up my mind that as long as the LRA have my son, JJ and there remains a drop of life in me, they shall always have me to deal with,” -Joseph Dahr.”
Ray Anyasi
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“These boys have no idea what a child’s play is, childhood is an endangered and fleeting phase of life for everyone around here.” –Christian Ezora.”
Ray Anyasi
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“If your office post is on an LRA path, then believe me your job is as good as lost.” - Peter Kotara.”
Ray Anyasi
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“Samuel, wise is relative. Wise is listening to your heart and letting it decide what to do.” -Joseph Dahr.”
Ray Anyasi
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“If you are building an army I should be your number one general,” –Lawrence Ottoise.”
Ray Anyasi
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“Drink my friends. You can never drink too much alcohol when you have drunk too much sorrow.” - Peter Kotara.”
Ray Anyasi
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“If you have thousands of men at your command, the first enemy you kill without pulling a trigger is fear.” –Christian Ezora.”
Ray Anyasi
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“I am not an idiot. I know the dangers in what I am about to do, but it is the only way I can live with myself.” –Joseph Dahr.”
Ray Anyasi
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“Sleep is a luxury. They have nowhere to go to.” –Joseph Dahr.”
Ray Anyasi
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“…fighters do not think and thinkers do not fight. That is the natural design of warfare.” -Peter Kotara.”
Ray Anyasi
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“We are all brave men, but our bravery means nothing in the absence of our common sense…it becomes self destructive.” –Lawrence Ottoise.”
Ray Anyasi
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