Raymond D. Reifinger III photo

Raymond D. Reifinger III

Born in Northampton, Pa. in 1954, into the Roman Catholic faith I have always felt to be a person with a privileged soul. Couple that with a fantastic set of earthly parents, my upbringing has been excellent through their guidance. However, Other than being born into my faith I have no other real religious credentials except what comes from my heart and soul.

You have probably heard, at one time or the other, that all people have been born with a specific purpose in life through our Creator. It took me most of my life to find what I believe to be my purpose. I first set out to see the world by enlisting in the service, the U. S. Navy, which was great, but I decided after my first tour I wanted to further my education. I then entered Old Dominion University in Norfolk, Va. as a matriculated electical engineering student and afterwards was employed in the electronics field for a number of years. Later I became a college professor in the electronics field teaching in Pennsylvania and eventually Florida.

In all this time I felt something was missing and for approximately the last eight years, actually probably even longer, I have had this burning desire in my heart to help the most defenseless of all people, the unborn baby, in danger from the fate of abortion. I really feel it is through divine intervention from the Lord Himself that I am being called. No, I didn't hear the Lord speak to me. No, the Lord didn't appear before me. I say this, because of that "burning" feeling I have had in my heart and soul for all these years. In fact, I find it very difficult to think of anything else frankly.

I feel many times abortion occurs simply because people don't really understand the gravity of their actions. Personally, to me, it is obvious, but as I said before I have had a very privileged upbringing and I am now realizing many people who haven't been as fortunate. I believe my purpose is to help those people become aware of the truth and the facts of abortion and to learn to appreciate the value of the sanctity of life. I truly believe if I do this and do it properly, I can convince many people, maybe not all, but many, abortion shouldn't even be a choice at all.

Considering abortion is a matter of life or death, it is a priority in my life. Hence, the unveiling of my book:

You Have the Nerve to Call Yourself a Roman Catholic!

to put in black and white or in words on paper, all my feelings on the subject. No I am not a theologist, priest or any kind of clergyman, just a concerned citizen, nobody special, a person who very likely could be sitting right beside you in Church. These feelings come directly from my heart and soul to aid our precious unborn babies who can't speak for themselves. My book is designed to request your help in saving the unborn baby of which I can't do by myself.....

“The Lord is much like the air around us. The air is all around us, it is everywhere. Even though we can't see it, it is there, we know it is there, because we are breathing. The Lord is everywhere too, you can't see Him, but He is there, we know He is there, because we are breathing. (Page 183)”
Raymond D. Reifinger III
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