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Rebecah McManus

17 years old!

Author of novel 'Colliding Worlds' which is available on Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Smashwords and the Aventura Ebookstore.

I love to write, and I am currently writing my second novel. Reading is obviously another passion. There is nothing better than delving into another book!

I also play the guitar and I'm literally obsessed with it at the moment. I've began writing my own songs too!

“One night when we were lying under the stars together she pointed to this beaming bright star beside the moon and said wherever she was in the world, whether we were together or apart, that I should remember her with that star because it would always be there-that it was her with me.”
Rebecah McManus
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“In life we don't always get what we want; hopes and dreams get washed away so easily, hearts are broken, chances are missed, and we always seem to end up right back where we started.”
Rebecah McManus
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“The world around me was oblivious, but for once, I felt absolute”
Rebecah McManus
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“The very first thing I saw was his eyes, bluer and brighter than the sea itself. They gazed at me, so dazzling, and for an instant I couldn't even feel the pain. I was too overcome by the handsomeness of this sandy haired boy”
Rebecah McManus
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“My dad’s contentment is all that matters to me. When he’s laughing, I’m laughing. When he’s happy, I’m happy. I would give up my soul for him. To me, nothing else but his happiness matters.”
Rebecah McManus
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“But I’ve learned that sometimes, somehow, no matter how much time we spend apart from the ones we care most about, our love for them never fades, for time apart only makes our love grow stronger.”
Rebecah McManus
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“For in today’s generation of teenagers finding acceptance is hard, especially for those who dare to be different-then it’s impossible.”
Rebecah McManus
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“My life has been like a battlefield, a war that could never be won unless I had her with me, and the day she died my battlefront stepped down and threw away their shields, allowing the gunshots to slip through the second her heart stopped beating. From that moment onwards I was left wounded, and for those seventeen years without her my wounds bled-wounds no stitch could ever repair.”
Rebecah McManus
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