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Rebecca Bloom

Rebecca Bloom has been a chef and a fashion designer, but now she is a journalist for Los Angeles Confidential magazine and a novelist.

“What person does not have both the sage and the sucker lurking within? However, mine exist at the same time, all the time, and most of the time, they initiate conversation or argument with each other no matter the circumstance. I talk to myself into things, out of things, around things, and through things.”
Rebecca Bloom
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“You know those times when an opportunity comes up and you hear yourself in some voice you hardly recognize saying yes? Like some imposter had invaded your throat, thumped on your vocal chords, and made a decision for you before you even have had a chance to think it through?”
Rebecca Bloom
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“I think I am going to have to supercharge my optimism to arm myself for the battle ahead. Trust me, it is going to be a battle.”
Rebecca Bloom
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“In my old age (smirk), I seem to have become a creature of habit. I have order, schedules, quirky little activities I dig that fill up my days. Even though I hang alone, I hang alone well.In the two years since I got back from my seven-month postcollegiate sojourn in gay paris, I have gotten used to spending most of my time alone, playing inside my head. All those solo walks along the Seine, nights spent reading in my apartment, and weekend lurking gin dark cafés conditioned me to like my own company. Sure, I was lonely not having anyone to gab with or laugh with, but somehow I found serenity in solitude. Now, even with friends around, I like being able to tune everything and everyone out. I have become selfish with my freedom, filling it with things I deem fit. This is how I deal with loneliness in my life: I learn to love it, and the it isn't loneliness, it's just lovely. ”
Rebecca Bloom
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“I love shopping. There is a little bit of magic found in buying something new. It is instant gratification, a quick fix.”
Rebecca Bloom
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“I just can't convince myself that everything is okay again. Rationally, nothing has really happened to me. My days are spent as they always have been, but when I am lying alone at night in my big bed I'm lying on a bed of pins. I can't sleep anymore.”
Rebecca Bloom
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“Jonah was cute and all before I left, but in Paris he became a God. It was a rather simple equation: loneliness + silly crush - reality check = full-blown obsession. ”
Rebecca Bloom
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“Well what I was going to say was that it reminds me of us because a cactus can grow and thrive without a lot of water and attention. Even if it gets neglected on a shelf, it can blossom and still develop into something beautiful.”
Rebecca Bloom
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“Words sometimes tumble out before I can self-edit.”
Rebecca Bloom
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