Rebecca Gober was born in Houston, Texas in 1982 and spent most of her life growing up in Dallas, Texas. In between working full time, being a wife and mother of two, Rebecca has never let her passion for reading and fiction fall through the cracks. Rebecca Gober's first series, The Night Marchers Series, which she co-authored with her best friend and partner in crime, Courtney Nuckels, was released in e-book format in October of 2011. Since then, Rebecca and Courtney have gone on to write Redemption, the sequel to Night Marchers and three books in The ELE Series: Project ELE, Finding ELE and Exposing ELE. Ending ELE is scheduled to release in September 2013. In addition to being an author of six successful books, Rebecca is the CEO of Clean Teen Publishing. A new publishing company that opened their doors in early 2013, whose content ratings for every book published gives them a unique presence in the market.
Rebecca and Courtney are downhome country girls powered by chocolate and other random late night cravings. Coined in southern twang they bring new meaning to the word y'all. BFI's since the 6th grade, with a knack for getting into sticky situations, has resulted in countless ideas to write about for years to come.
When Rebecca is not working or writing, you can find her spending time with her family and her not so little puppy Neo.
“If I have to dangle myself in the water like a freaking minnow, I will. Those people don't deserve this type of treatment. ~Willow Mosby (Exposing ELE)”
“Josiah became King of Judah at the age of eight. Joan of Arc led the French Army at nineteen. King Tut led all of Egypt at age nine. Age isn't everything you think it is. Your heart and your spirit speak more than a simple candle count on your birthday cake. ~Tony (Exposing ELE)”
“I honestly wish I could believe that things will end perfectly with one big bright happy ending. But these last few days have taught me that life isn't made up of shiny moments. Life is hard; it's gritty. One day you are filled with joy and the next, you are crawling through the muddy trenches with no inkling of when you might be able to climb your way back up again. ~Willow Mosby (Exposing ELE)”
“Sometimes I guess it just feels better to know that you have someone to help you when you can’t even help yourself. ~ Willow Mosby (Exposing ELE)”
“I honestly don't think you do, at least not completely. Look, you will always hold a special place in my heart, but I can’t keep competing for a battle that’s already won.”
“Emma, if I had to march an eternity in slavery it would be worth it knowing that you are safe. They can bind my wrists and shackle my feet, but they can't take away my memories, my heart. If I had to see you grow old from a distance with someone else, it would have been worth it. I have had more than one lifetime to learn that our love can only come around once.”
“No matter how hard you try, you will never be able to carry the world. So you need to get it off your shoulders before you break your back." (From Night Marchers book 2 coming soon.)”
“Candy is natures way of making up for Mondays." ~Unknown Author”