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Rebekah Martin

I graduated from Stephens College in Columbia, Missouri (2009) with a BFA in Creative Writing and minors in music and film. I'm a five-time NaNoWriMo Participant, and one-time winner. I won Camp NaNoWriMo once in 2015 and twice in 2016.

I started writing stories when I came back from a showing of Little Women in 1994. I was nine years old, in love with books, and suddenly realized that I could write them, myself. I took pride in every writing project in school from there on. I still remember reading my stories to my class, and hearing that they liked them. It's a feeling that never gets old.

“It's a truth universally accepted that a single woman without romantic or professional prospects must be in want of a husband." Stella sneered, paraphrasing an ironic Jane Austen quote."Come one, Stells." David tried to console her. They sat across from each other in Riley's kitchen, each with a cup of coffee that was quickly going from lukewarm to cold. "You don't honestly believe you don't have prospects."She just shrugged. "I guess part of me thought it was always going to be me with you. But as I see, fairy tale's over."David reached a hand between them and held tight to hers. "I'm sorry."She pulled her hand away, praying she could keep boundaries. "You did everything right. I'm a moronic tool.""No, you're not. You're an amazing person-""Blah blah blah." Stella interrupted. "You don't have to try to sell me on myself. I might be broken, but I know what I am.”
Rebekah Martin
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“I'm coming with you.” Riley insisted. “I've got a bulletproof vest and I'm a better sharpshooter than you. Don't mess with me.” Riley pushed past them and out the sliding exit doors.Stella turned to Stan, horrified. “Don't give me that look, Stells.” Stan muttered, following Riley. “Look at it this way, if the whole sharpshooter thing turns out to be a lie, she can pinch the hell out of anyone.”~Riley Pembroke, Stan Darrow, "Sugar and Spies: Spy Sisters Book 1”
Rebekah Martin
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“Riley shook her head. “I married Brad after I got my Associate's degree in culinary arts. I worked in the Bakery at the same grocery store as Brad, and now I'm a stay at home mom.” She paused. “If you remember my senior yearbook, I was voted most likely to be the best mom.” “Oh, you have time yet.” Stella joked and Riley backhanded her in the ribs. “You're an awesome mom. Be glad you haven't proven anyone wrong. It's not all it's cracked up to be.” She paused. “That same yearbook said I'd be in prison with a wife named Roberta.”~Conversation between Riley and Stella, "Sugar and Spies: Spy Sisters Book 1”
Rebekah Martin
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“Ri, here's a question for you,” Stella started. She opened it up to everyone else, as well. “When do your kids stop being pets and start being people?” The room went silent, except for Gloria trying to stifle her giggles. Stella looked around and felt pleased that she'd gotten the desired reaction. “What are you talking about? How could you call children pets?” Shannon demanded before Bernadette had the chance to. “No, this is an honest question.” Stella insisted. “You have them, you name them. They're helpless, and you teach, or train, them. Feed them, water them, whatever. And as they grow up, you just hope that they grow up well and don't spend their time clawing your nice sofa or humping your leg."Stella, "Sugar and Spies: Spy Sisters Book 1”
Rebekah Martin
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