West-German communist "urban guerrilla" political organisation.
The RAF was formally founded in 1970 by Andreas Baader, Gudrun Ensslin, Horst Mahler, Ulrike Meinhof, Irmgard Möller.
The Red Army Faction operated from the late 1960s to 1998 leading to 34 deadly casualities.
The RAF was officially disbanded on 20 April 1998.
“What was achieved under Nazi-fascism through bloody terror against the organized workers’ movement and the people is to be achieved again today in West Europe through the “information society”
“In its offensive against the state, the urban guerilla cannot resort to terrorism as a weapon.”
“Following this logic, to bomb BASF in Ludwigshafen would be to mock the people who bombed BASF in Brazil. The Latin American comrades feel differently. BASF does as well.”
“They see in the population’s hostility towards the left only the hostility towards the left, not the hatred against those who are socially privileged.”
“They see in the political apathy of the proletariat only the apathy, not the protest against a system that has nothing to offer them.”
“The rejection of sabotage in the metropole, based on the argument that it would be better to take things over instead of destroying them, is based on the dictum: The people of the Third World should wait for their revolution until the masses in the metropole catch up.”
“The fact is that the system in the metropole reproduces itself through an ongoing offensive against the people’s psyche, not in an openly fascist way, but rather through the market.Therefore, to write off entire sections of the population as an impediment to anti-imperialist struggle, simply because they don’t fit into Marx’ analysis of capitalism, is as insane and sectarian as it is un-Marxist.”
“We’re not feeling edgy; the system is feeling nervous.”