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Remy De Gourmont

People widely read works of Symbolist poet, novelist, and critic Remy de Gourmont of France, an important influence on Blaise Cendrars, in his era.

“A definition is a sack of flour compressed into a thimble”
Remy De Gourmont
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“The terrible thing about the quest for truth is that you find it.”
Remy De Gourmont
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“Мъжете, които се изказват лошо за жените, обикновен имат предвид само една жена." Реми дьо Гурмон”
Remy De Gourmont
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“Art is the accomplice of love.”
Remy De Gourmont
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“She lit the candelabras which stood on the mantelpiece. Placed at the head of the bead, on a side-table, they looked like two burning bushes, their flames solemn and inextinguishable. But beneath that avalanche of light the dead man became hideous: the pale head displayed a whiteness more livid than the bedsheet, ghastly against the cambric of the pillow; pits of shadow were hollowed out under the eyes and his nose was villainously elongated, and even the mouth seemed wicked – his mouth, which was so very gentle!”
Remy De Gourmont
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“Extraordinarily excessive sensuality it may be .. but it all comes down to the same thing in the end, and one means is surely as good as another, since the end obtained is always the same. In any case the exceptional, endlessly repeated, is no different than the banal; and unceasing recapitulation can add nothing, in the end, to the sum of experience. I am weary and hopeless three times the dupe. Why have you trained me in the shame of abominable sins?”
Remy De Gourmont
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“The pleasure of being a scoundrel can be adequately savored in silence.”
Remy De Gourmont
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“Ah! I wish I had the courage to work for the debasement of my contemporaries. What good work it would be to defile their daughters: to insinuate something obscene into the infantile hands which caress each paternal beard and cheek; to poison them, even at the risk of perishing ourselves; to do as those Spanish monks did, who drank death in order that they might persuade the French rabble which had violated their monastery to do likewise.”
Remy De Gourmont
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“Demons are like obedient dogs; they come when they are called.”
Remy De Gourmont
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“To be a member of such a crowd ... is not much to be far removed from solitude; the freedom of everyone is assured by the freedom to which everyone else lays claim. ”
Remy De Gourmont
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“The vainglory of wishing to understand is dangerous, immoral and, above all, old-fashioned. The modern way – perhaps the final way - is to say: Go forward, without knowing why, as quickly as possible, towards an unknown goal! To act and think are opposites which identify one only in the Absolute. To accomplish all one's movements – of the head, the arms, the legs – without ever quite attaining the status of a puppet, but with a certainty that gives one a feeling of rightness: that is what is nowadays held up as the ideal. Be citizens of Universal activity! Forget to be conscious of ourselves! The blind horse gallops without hesitation, not knowing where it is going, not caring where it has been: so let up put out our eyes!”
Remy De Gourmont
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“Chastity is the most unnatural of the sexual perversions.”
Remy De Gourmont
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“Autumn is as joyful and sweet as an untimely end.”
Remy De Gourmont
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“Each man must grant himself the emotions that he needs and the morality that suits him. ”
Remy De Gourmont
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