Renate Linnenkoper photo

Renate Linnenkoper

Renate Linnenkoper was born in the small, country village of Winschoten, up in the North of the Netherlands.

During her youth, she soon discovered her love for creative endeavours and engaged in theatre and soon, writing. She loved reading the classics and preferred the greats - from Shakespeare to Oscar Wilde.

Writing everything from poetry, to songs and stories, she looked for inspiration in the most unusual places. Having been a resident of three countries by the age of 25 (the Netherlands, Ireland and now Portugal) certainly taught her about different cultures, languages and customs.

Celestial Mists: Exogenesis is the result of over two years of hard work. It is her debut novel, but it will not be her last. She will soon start work on the sequel.

“With her wild red hair draped around her pallid visage, she could easily be mistaken for a nymph from a Pre-Raphaelite painting. But then again, those nymphs were rarely hung-over or quite such a freckled, busty little thing.”
Renate Linnenkoper
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“First impressions are rarely worth preserving. Men typically fall short of our expectations.”
Renate Linnenkoper
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“As they gently lowered it into the earth, all stared silently at the coffin but one: a young woman of twenty-five who glanced absentmindedly into the distance where an unknown figure stood – watching, waiting, his face buried in the shadow of his hat. Whether by intuition or paranoia she could not tell, but the presence of the man troubled her and her eyes were fixed on his motionless body and would not stir. Tourists rarely came to a town as small and uneventful as theirs, let alone to visit a funeral where they did not introduce themselves and only beheld the spectacle from afar.”
Renate Linnenkoper
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