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Rhein Fathia

Unromantic Author who writes romance novels.

She was born in and grew up Indonesia, now living in Prague, Czech Republic. Rhein is a cat person, love traveling, sometimes jumped to stupid situations, and always seek for adventurous things.

Her first novel published when she was in senior high school. Once she stopped writing novel when she was studied in university majoring Physics (sure, she was busy writing lab reports). After graduated, she's back writing novel and traveling until now.

Follow her daily activities on instagram and twitter: @rheinfathia.

“What does love mean? It means, you're happy to see someone you love happy..”
Rhein Fathia
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“Love is faith and destiny. Sama seperti jodoh, rizki, dan mati. Karena itulah mengapa cinta bisa redup atau meletup-letup. Itu juga yang menjadi alasan mengapa kita tidak bisa meminta Tuhan untuk dijatuh cintakan pada siapa.. ~Raka in CoupL(ov)e~”
Rhein Fathia
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“Mengingat Allah itu menjadi obat hati ~Hadist~”
Rhein Fathia
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